US House Results: What to Expect as Republicans Control Congress | 2024 US Election News
Republicans are poised to win the House after securing a majority in the Senate to bolster Trump's legislative agenda.
Republicans are just four seats short of a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives as they aim to gain considerable power in Congress to strengthen Donald Trump's hand in the White House.
Here's what things could look like after Trump won the presidency in last week's election and his Republican Party flipped control of the Senate, ending four years of Democratic leadership in the upper chamber.
How many seats do Republicans need to win the House?
Republicans need four more seats to take control of the 435-seat House of Representatives.
The party that wins at least 218 seats wins a majority in the House. So far, Republicans have won 214 seats while Democrats have won 203.
All House seats were up for grabs in Tuesday's election. Representatives in the House are elected for a two-year term.
Which House races have not yet been called?
Eighteen House races have yet to be announced as of 4 a.m. Monday on the US east coast (0900 GMT).
Republicans lead the vote count in eight of these elections, while Democrats lead in 10. Even if Democrats won 10 seats, their seat total would be 213, five short of a majority.
In the 22nd Congressional District, in the southern part of California's Central Valley, Republicans lead by 7.2 percentage points after 76.6 percent of the results were in, according to the Associated Press.
Which party has controlled the House in recent US history?
Republicans have held the majority in the House since 2022.
Republicans have largely controlled the House for the past three decades. Democrats have only won the House four times since 1994: in 2006, 2008, 2018 and 2020.
Here is a recent history of House election results:
2022: Republicans won 222 seats in the House, compared to 213 for Democrats. 2020: Democrats controlled the chamber with 222 seats, compared to 213 seats for Republicans. 2018: Democrats are in the majority with 235 seats. The Republicans held 199 seats. 2016: Although Republicans lost a few seats, they still held the majority with 241 seats, while Democrats held 194. 2014: Republicans held the majority with 247 seats, compared to 188 for Democrats. (Al Jazeera) What power does the House have?
The House is responsible for creating and passing federal legislation. The chamber has exclusively the power to:
Initiate revenue bills Impeach federal officials Elect the president in the event of a tie in the electoral college
To pass a bill and send it to the president for signing, both the House and Senate must pass the same bill by a majority.
If the president vetoes the bill, the House and Senate can vote again, but they need a two-thirds majority to override the veto.
What does a Republican trio mean for the United States?
Trump's victory, coupled with Republican majorities in both houses of Congress, could mean Trump could easily enact his legislative agenda.
In recent years, U.S. presidents have had difficulty passing legislation because they have narrow majorities in Congress, the other party controls Congress, or control of Congress is split between Democrats and Republicans.
We've seen this happen under President Joe Biden's administration. During the first two years of his four-year term, his Democratic Party narrowly controlled both houses of Congress, and during the second half, Republicans regained control of the House.
As a result, in May, Republicans blocked a bill that would have made major changes to immigration law. In June, Republicans blocked a bill introduced by Democrats that would have guaranteed women access to contraceptives.
Several times during the first half of Biden's term, some of his legislative proposals were blocked by the Senate. This was despite the fact that the Democrats held the majority in the Senate.
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