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The United States dispatched F-15E Strike Eagles to intercept drones over Britain.

The United States dispatched F-15E Strike Eagles to intercept drones over Britain.


Recent reports have increased attention to a serious incident that occurred at RAF Rakenheath, England, a pivotal base for the U.S. Air Force's European operations.

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Although not confirmed by official channels, claims that F-15E Strike Eagles were scrambled to intercept drones at the facility on November 20 highlight the growing difficulties in maintaining security at strategic military bases.

The incident highlights both RAF Lakenheath's capabilities and the vulnerabilities exposed by the increasing deployment of unmanned aerial systems. [UAS].

Several drones of varying sizes have been detected at RAF Lakenheath, an important US Air Force base in the UK that houses F-35A and F-15E fighter jets.

There were unconfirmed claims that F-15E fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the drone and that flight operations were affected.

— Clash Report (@clashreport) November 23, 2024

The USAF did not explicitly address reports that aircraft had been launched to counter drones. However, the US Air Force in Europe [USAFE] In response to an inquiry, we stated that as a matter of policy we do not discuss specific steps taken to protect our facilities or assets. That said, we reserve the right to protect our bases, personnel, and resources as necessary.

This cautious yet firm stance speaks to the challenges modern air forces face in responding to non-traditional threats while avoiding exposure of sensitive tactics.

RAF Lakenheath, located in Suffolk, England, is the core of the NATO and U.S. Air Force operational structures in Europe. It is the largest US Air Force base in the UK and hosts the 48th Fighter Wing, or 'Liberty Wing', a unique squadron that deploys both the 4th generation F-15E Strike Eagle and 5th generation F-35A Lightning II stealth fighters. .

These two platforms are complementary air forces, with the F-15E excelling in precision ground attack and dogfighting, while the F-35A provides unparalleled situational awareness and stealth capabilities, making it a force multiplier across a variety of mission profiles. Shows ability.

The November 20 event was not the first to raise warnings about drones targeting military installations. This follows a series of significant events that have highlighted the growing threat posed by these technologies.

Specifically, in December 2023, Langley Air Force Base in Virginia experienced an unprecedented series of drone intrusions for 17 consecutive nights. The drones, some said to have wingspans as long as 20 feet (6 meters), flew at altitudes of 3,000 to 4,000 feet at speeds in excess of 60 mph.

Their predictable flight paths suggested a reconnaissance role, and although they were not an immediate hostile threat, their presence caused the F-22 Raptors to be redeployed and caused significant disruption to flight operations.

Likewise, just days before the Laken Heath incident, a drone was reportedly spotted over the U.S. military's Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey, sparking an FBI investigation. These incidents highlight the inadequacy of current counter-drone measures to deal with increasingly sophisticated systems that exploit loopholes in existing defenses.

RAF Lakenheath in particular represents a high value target for reconnaissance or intervention due to its operational importance. It serves as the only European base for the F-35A Lightning II deployment assigned to the 495th Fighter Squadron, also known as the “Valkyries.”

This deployment marks a significant milestone for the base when it begins in December 2021, reflecting the United States' commitment to maintaining a cutting-edge air force in Europe. The F-35A's advanced capabilities, including stealth design, sensor fusion, and electronic warfare systems, make it an essential asset for both deterrence and active combat operations.

While the F-35A represents the pinnacle of modern air power, the F-15E Strike Eagle remains an integral part of the base's operational capabilities. Known for its proven versatility and combat record, the F-15E can perform deep strike missions, carry an extensive precision-guided arsenal, and maintain air superiority in contested environments.

The combination of these two aircraft types at RAF Lakenheath creates a powerful dual-generation capability critical to projecting power across NATO's eastern flank and beyond.

The potential for drone intrusions to disrupt these important missions raises serious concerns. Relatively inexpensive and commercially available, these drones are increasingly being used in ways that extend the limits of existing air defense systems.

RAF Lakenheath benefits from a robust layered defense, including radar and advanced detection systems, but the proliferation of drones, which can evade traditional detection and targeting methods, is a pressing issue. The threat is not limited to surveillance. The potential for drones to carry electronic warfare payloads or explosives represents a real risk to both personnel and assets.

RAF Lakenheath's history demonstrates its continued operational relevance. The base played a key role in Operation El Dorado Canyon in 1986, when F-111 bombers struck Libyan targets in response to state-sponsored terrorism.

This was the first combat mission from a British base involving American aircraft since World War II. Decades later, the base continued its strategic influence during the Gulf War, supporting Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. At the time, the base's aircraft played a key role in neutralizing key targets in Iraq.

Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, RAF Lakenheath became an important hub for US air operations in the Middle East. F-15E Strike Eagles stationed there conducted precision strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, providing close air support for coalition ground forces and engaging high-value targets.

Recent upgrades to Lakenheath, including state-of-the-art hangars and F-35A program support infrastructure, highlight its importance as a forward operating base for U.S. and NATO airpower. The base's close proximity to mainland Europe makes it an ideal staging area for rapid response missions and joint exercises with coalition forces, including the Royal Air Force, which operates F-35 variants.

As drone intrusions continue to test the boundaries of military airspace security, incidents like the one over Lakenheath highlight the urgency of strengthening UAS response capabilities. From advanced radar systems and directed energy weapons to policy changes that enable more aggressive intercept actions, responses to these threats must evolve as quickly as the technologies that drive them.

For RAF Lakenheath and Liberty Wing, maintaining the operational tempo required to respond to near-peer adversaries while addressing asymmetric threats such as drones will remain a critical challenge in the coming years.


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