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British Championships 2024: Jack Lisowski produces a stunning display to beat Mark Selby.

British Championships 2024: Jack Lisowski produces a stunning display to beat Mark Selby.


Jack Lisowski emerged victorious in a high-class clash with Mark Selby in the opening round of the British Championships on Sunday.

Considered a clash of styles, both men displayed groundbreaking excellence in a contest that ebbed and flowed.

Selby raced out to a three-frame lead, but Lisowski countered with three frames of his own.

Lisowski fell behind again when Selby finished seventh, but he refused to wilt and found another gear to secure a stunning 6-4 win.

Selby made a brilliant start to the contest, hitting a superb opening red and finishing at 119.

Lisowski's opening shot of the tournament wasn't bad, but it was an example of Selby finding a brilliant pot, and Lisowski showed that his confidence wasn't broken by knocking in a fine red in the top of the second.

He got out of position and failed to plant, which led to Selby countering with a break of 59, which proved enough for him to double his lead.

The only thing that brought Lisowski to the table in the third was his breakoff shot. He allowed Selby to put his hand on the table, albeit well behind the balk line, and stroked a glorious red into the bottom right corner.

Selby shows a surprising red at the start of frame 3 against Lisowski.

Video source: Eurosport

The two-time British champion split the cluster brilliantly, a sign of his confidence, and powered through a two-ton match of 136 to extend his lead to three frames.

It was to Lisowski's credit, who stayed on the ice for three frames, that he made a nice red in the fourth and made the break on 55.

His contribution ended when he was in-off and looked set to spark a Selby counter, but the latter missed his first ball in live play at the break on 32 and Lisowski returned to get the frame on the board.

Lisowski's career has been a mix of highlight reel pots and inexplicable mistakes. They both appeared on the show in episode 5, where he hosted a fancy pot but missed out on a simple pink one.

The bigger surprise came when Selby missed a red when trying to pinch the pocket a little and Lisowski responded with 65 to reduce the deficit to one.

Selby was faultless for three frames but pressure from Lisowski led to an error and he was severely punished for an error in the sixth when Lisowski broke 100 to level the scores.

Lisowski won the sixth frame against Selby in the British Championship with a century break.

Video source: Eurosport

Slow breaks cost Lisowski in frames one and three and contributed to his downfall in the seventh when Selby was all out for 61 after seeing the opening red.

Selby was a firm favorite to finish eighth after taking a 55-point lead, but Lisowski produced a thrilling 70-point counter to clinch the frame and level the contest.

Lisowski took the lead for the first time in a match built on a break of 61. But he was put through the wringer when Selby went for two snookers to snatch the frame.

Selby got one with a wicked shot from behind the green, but Lisowski held his nerve to take the lead.

Selby played outstanding snooker against Lisowski in the British Championships.

Video source: Eurosport

Lisowski's trophyless career has been well documented and his form this season has been poor. But if there was tension he didn't show it when he opened the 10th hole with a break of 42 and returned for his second contribution to leave Selby calling for a snooker.

Selby kept running but couldn't get them as Lisowski pulled off a big win in the last 16 to set up a clash with Ali Carter.

Watch and stream the best snooker action, including the British Championships, live and on demand with Eurosport on Discovery+.




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