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Mother dies “in a rare reaction to AstraZeneca jab”, but family does not want to procrastinate others

Mother dies “in a rare reaction to AstraZeneca jab”, but family does not want to procrastinate others


Three mothers died tragically after a very rare and catastrophic reaction to AstraZeneca. Coronavirus Vaccination, her family said.

Lucy Tabeller, 47, reportedly became seriously ill after getting a jab and developed a blood clot in her brain, causing a major stroke.

Her broken heart fiancé, Mark Tomlin, is from Islestone and Lucy said she initially experienced mild and common side effects after being vaccinated at the Peapal Center in Belgrave on March 19. Said.

However, the condition of the playgroup leader gradually deteriorated, she was rushed to the hospital and she died 22 days after vaccination, despite the doctors doing her best to save her. ..

Her family claimed that Lucy was excited to get the jab and didn’t talk about her to postpone people having the jab.

Mark said Leicestershire Live: “I don’t want to postpone vaccination, but I want people to know that there is a risk.

“We are not Antibacs.

“Lucy was certainly not-she was very excited to get it.

Lucy Taberer
Lucy was excited to get her vaccine, her fiancée says
(Image: Leicester Mercury)

“She stuck to all the blockade rules like glue and saw the vaccine as a step to go out again to meet her and hug her companion.

“She couldn’t wait to get it, but no one expected this to happen.”

Lucy’s broken heart partner said her death had a devastating effect on him and their five-year-old son Othon.

Regarding what happened, Mark said: “She knew there might be some side effects, but she wasn’t worried.

“We thought they would just get rid of it, as most people do.

“She had pain on her side, so she went to see her family doctor who prescribed painkillers, saying she had kidney stones.

“It reassured her, she thought it had nothing to do with the vaccine, but things started to get worse and panic began.

“She suffered a bruise about the size of her tennis ball.

“Usually she had all the energy of the world, but she became tired and lethargic.

“Then she had a really bad rash on her face and sides.

“We were really worried as her gums began to change color.”

On April 1, 13 days after vaccination, Lucy was taken to the Royal Hospital of Leicester, where a blood clot was diagnosed.

Doctors treated her with anticoagulants, but her condition worsened, she had blood clots, and suffered a major stroke.

Lucy was stuck "Like glue" In the blockade rule
Lucy was sticking to the blockade rules “like glue”
(Image: Leicester Mercury / BPM Media)

She was then transferred to the intensive care unit at the Queen’s Medical Center (QMC) in Nottingham, but despite the surgery, the consultant said there was nothing more she could do for her, and on April 10 she It was recommended to turn off the life support system.

Mark, a 57-year-old metal worker, said it was a QMC consultant who said Lucy’s serious illness was vaccine-related.

According to Leicestershire Live, her death certificate states that she died of vaccine-related thrombosis with cerebral vein sinus thrombosis and thrombocytopenia.

Mark states: “We are very happy and looking forward to the future and must explain to Orson that his mummy died suddenly.

“I already told him that the mummy went to the hospital because he needed medicine.

“Then I told him the medicine didn’t work, and the mummy couldn’t go home, and a few days later I told him she died.

“Our world is upside down.

“When I wake up every day, Lucy comes to my mind first.”

A spokesman for the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group in Leicester, which runs a vaccination program in the city, told Leicestershire Live:

“All temporary vaccination sites, such as pop-ups and fixations, are subject to rigorous operating procedures that cover all aspects of the service.

Lucy's broken heart partner and Islestone's fiancé, Mark Tomlin, told Leicestershire Live about the devastating effects of her death on him and his five-year-old son Othon.
Lucy’s broken heart fiancé Mark talked about the devastating effects of her death on them.
(Image: Leicester Mercury / BPM Media)

“This includes vaccine storage and handling, infection protection and control, workforce requirements and training, and clinical supervision. Patient safety is a top priority, consenting to and observing operational processes. Includes incident response arrangements. “

Mark’s daughter Lean, 33, is currently helping him take care of Orson.

She emphasized that she did not want her family to postpone vaccination of others.

“That’s not the case at all, but we think it’s important that people know what happened to Lucy and that an incident like her is unforgettable.”

Leanne said Lucy’s case was reported to the government’s yellow card service, which can record side effects on the vaccine.

More than 200,000 such responses to AstraZeneca vaccination were recorded by the Yellow Card by June 9.

The Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization recommends providing alternatives to the AstraZeneca vaccine to healthy people under the age of 40.

Other countries have stopped using it because of concerns that it could cause blood clots.

The Ministry of Health said: “Covid-19 vaccine After vaccination with AstraZeneca, very rare cases of thrombosis with low platelet levels have been observed.

“Most of these cases occurred within the first 14 days after vaccination, but some have been reported after this period.

“Some cases have life-threatening or fatal consequences.

“It is important to remember that the benefits of vaccination to provide protection against COVID-19 still outweigh the potential risks.”

Mark had to cut the time he worked to take care of Orson in half after Lucy’s death, which led to his financial hardship.

Leanne Online fundraising page To support childcare and other expenses, and to support Orson, who has raised over £ 9,000 so far.

“We were overwhelmed by the reaction and the generosity of the people,” she said.


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