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Seismic activity increased 4 times above normal in Yellowstone

Seismic activity increased 4 times above normal in Yellowstone


Grand Prismatic Spring is one of the many unique features within Yellowstone National Park. Photo: Jim Biko/National Park Service

USGS scientists say June was an unusually active month for earthquakes at the famous giant volcano Yellowstone, but they add that there is nothing to worry about seismic activity there. However, they added, “Yellowstone’s activity is currently above background levels.”

In the June Activity Summary it just posted, the USGS shared that Yellowstone experienced 445 earthquakes during the month, even though only one or two hundred is considered normal monthly activity. “While it was above the average for a month, this is by no means unprecedented,” the USGS wrote in the monthly update of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. Scientists there noted the exceptionally busy month of June 2017, as more than 1,100 earthquakes struck the region.

Much of the June 2021 activity is anchored around four seismic swarms that struck during the second half of the month. A swarm of 152 earthquakes northwest of Yellowstone, Montana began on June 19. A swarm of 153 earthquakes struck 10 miles northeast of Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. A third swarm of 52 earthquakes began on June 22, about 7 miles northwest of Yellowstone. A fourth swarm also struck near 7 miles northwest of Yellowstone, hitting 18 earthquakes beginning on June 22.

“Earthquake sequences such as these are common and account for approximately 50% of total seismic activity in the Yellowstone region,” the USGS wrote.

At Yellowstone, some scientists have hypothesized that the Earth’s crust is cracking and cracking in a concentric or ring-breaking pattern. At some point these fissures reach the magma “reservoir”, release pressure, and the volcano erupts. The massive amount of material released causes the volcano to collapse into a huge crater, known as a caldera. Photo: National Park Service

Located within Yellowstone National Park in the northwest corner of Wyoming, the Yellowstone Caldera is also known as the Yellowstone Supervising Volcano, and is an active volcanic caldera. The site has been home to three massive volcanic eruptions over the past 2.1 million years; The last was 630 thousand years ago, the second was 1.3 million years ago, and the oldest was 2.1 million years ago. This older earthquake was the largest and produced 2,500 times more ash than the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in the 1980s.

Volcanic eruptions, as well as continued geothermal activity in the famous geysers in the national park, are the result of a large plume of magma located beneath the caldera’s surface. The magma in this column contains gases that are dissolved by the enormous pressure under which the magma is contained. If the pressure is released enough through some geological shift, some of the gases erupt and cause the magma to expand. This can cause a chain reaction: if expansion leads to further decompression, for example, by blowing crustal material from the top of the chamber, the result is a very large gas explosion.

While another eruption in Yellowstone is inevitable, it is not likely to happen any time soon. A 2017 Arizona State University study found that the Yellowstone magma reservoir would take “decades” to reach the capacity that would generate a volcanic eruption.





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