Afghanistan: At least 400 British-trained Afghan special forces hiding in the Taliban seek British withdrawal | world news
At least 400 British-trained Afghan special forces are hiding in Afghanistan desperately trying to escape to Britain with their lives threatened, a former Afghan interpreter said.
Rafi Hotak, 35, who served with British special forces in Afghanistan and now resides in Birmingham, said he was developing a list of elite commandos seeking help.
He plans to submit the list to the UK government to pressure ministers to act.
“They have served the British government for 20 years and deserve a life free from the fear of being killed,” he said.
Some of the most elite and professional Afghan military groups trained in the special forces of Britain, the United States and other allies are known for their triple digits.
One of them, Commando Forces (CF) 333, is believed to have been created by British Special Forces almost 20 years ago.
Highly skilled troops fought across Afghanistan with British support until British, American and other foreign troops withdrew.
Rafi said they played an important role in operations against terrorist and Taliban targets.
“These special forces were the front line against all terrorist groups,” Rafi told Sky News.
“It is the failure of the British government to leave them behind, the betrayal of these brave soldiers. They deserve dignity and security.”
Image: 2009: British soldiers in training for the Afghan Armed Forces
Rafi himself was forced to flee Afghanistan in 2011 after being threatened by the Taliban for his official service with the British Army and seek asylum in the UK.
A married father of three children, he trained as an accountant and started his own business.
However, after the fall of Kabul, his daily life was pushed aside.
Now Rafi contacts and catalogs contacts in Afghanistan from early morning to late night every day.
He also collected the names of about 200 former interpreters and employees who worked directly in the British military or British diplomatic missions in Afghanistan, who dreamed of a new life in the UK along with 400 Afghan special forces.
The government has created a scheme allowing former employees the right to relocate to the UK. Many people have been rescued through this policy in evacuation flights.
However, many have not yet received a reply to their application, or their application has been rejected or accepted but could not get to the airport.
‘Complete chaos’: RAF pilots evacuate from Kabul
Rafi said anyone who has served in the British Army, including Afghan special forces personnel, is entitled to travel safely to the UK.
But he is particularly concerned about the Afghan commando in CF 333.
“The Taliban will see them as a threat to their regime in the near future and they will be tracked down and killed,” Rafi said.
“Every message I get is ‘We’re going to be killed, we’re living in hideouts, we’re not in town, we’re not at home,'” he said, recalling contacts with people in the hideout.
“One of the men said, ‘I’ve moved between other relatives and family members’ over the past two weeks.”
Not only do they live in fear of the Taliban, many of them are out of work, making it increasingly difficult to feed their families.
“One of the interpreters sold his bike to get food for his family during those days, so the situation is hopeless,” Rafi said.
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When asked about the plight of those left behind, a Pentagon spokesperson said, “We will do our best to support those who have supported us, and our promise to those who are migrants is timeless. And we will endure.”
“ARAP plan [Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy] Applications remain open and we will continue to apply to those who qualify.”
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