COVID-19: BC Triage PCR test confirms high aerosol diffusion of Omicron variant
Editor’s Note: Earlier versions of this story stated that the state recognized Omicron’s “aerial” spread. In fact, authorities acknowledged an increased risk of aerosol infections, but did not explain that they were airborne by the “definition we use in the medical setting.”
British Columbia has reached the ability to test COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection).. If you are asymptomatic or asymptomatic but do not belong to the high-risk category, you should quarantine at home and assume that you are infected with the virus.
This was a message from British Columbia’s health authorities at a press conference on Friday prior to Christmas holidays. In this state, the highly contagious subspecies of Omicron has caused a surge in cases.
Dr. Bonnie Henry, a state health officer, said the variant was unclear, especially about the severity of the disease it caused, but its high contagiousness broke through two doses of the vaccine. , Has the ability to re-infect already infected people. COVID means that BC was participating in “another game now”.
Omicron currently accounts for more than half of all new cases and is expected to dominate by next week.
The incubation period of the variant appears to have been cut in half. That is, Henry added that people can often spread it before they realize they have it.
In the changing of messaging, Henry also acknowledged that the larger spread of the Omicron mutant in the air was a factor in its high transmissibility.
“These small particles, or aerosols, are much (easier) imported and spread more easily, especially during activities such as singing, talking closely with each other in poorly ventilated rooms, and breathing hard. It’s possible, “she said.
“The relative importance of droplets of different sizes depends on the infectivity of different strains. Therefore, it is much more important to have protection against these aerosols, their small droplets, and in fact. It is a combination of physics. Therefore, if the droplets are small, the aerosol contains less virus, but if the virus is highly infected, it can infect those small droplets. “
Henry describes the virus as levitating, according to her “definition for use in the medical setting,” she said, “meaning that the virus floated in the air and traveled long distances, like measles and chickenpox.” I stopped doing it.
Given the high likelihood of aerosol spread in high-risk environments such as indoors and proximity, she said she should consider upgrading to higher quality medical masks, N95 masks, or double masks. ..
British Columbia is currently conducting more than 20,000 PCR tests per day, limiting the resources available, Henry said.
She is currently in the high-risk category because the state is currently “people who really need it,” that is, people with severe symptoms, or are vulnerable over the age of 65 or working in an environment such as medical care. I admitted to my people that I was triaging the test. ..
“Yes, especially in Vancouver and Fraser Health, we’re experiencing triage at test stations that have a long lineup,” Henry said.
“Don’t go to the testing center unless you have symptoms. And for those who really need it, you need to maintain a more accurate PCR test. The testing center is not for pre-travel screening. It also does not provide a green light for spending time with others. “
People who had symptoms but did not belong to the high-risk category had undergone rapid testing and returned home, Henry said.
People who developed symptoms and did not belong to the high-risk category were told to stay at home and quarantine for 7 days if vaccinated and 10 days if not vaccinated.
“If you have any symptoms, you need to assume that you are infected with COVID and take steps to prevent it from being transmitted,” Henry said.
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“It’s possible that if you’re totally ill right now, whether you think it’s not a COVID or just a cold or flu, take precautions and take precautions, especially for others. It means you need to stay away from people, because their immune system isn’t working very well, because they aren’t vaccinated, or because they’re old or young, they’re at risk. I’m exposed. “
If someone on the social network is positive on the test, waiting for test results, or self-isolating, she says she thinks she may be exposed and should avoid group gatherings as well. I did.
Health Minister Adrian Dix said the BC had more than 800,000 booster shots, but said the state was sticking to plans to vaccinate people in the most vulnerable categories first.
“Our program is still aimed at people at greatest risk. This is one of the ways we can help prevent and prevent the most serious consequences from COVID-19 and Omicron variants. That’s one, “said Dix.
More than three-quarters of British Columbia residents over the age of 70 have a booster effect, more than 135,000 are considered “clinically very vulnerable”, and more than 30,000 have been vaccinated twice with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Everyone is a medical worker.
People aged 63 and 64 were eligible to book a third dose on Thursday, he said.
Booster shots are not expected to be available to most British Columbia citizens until the New Year, and invitations will be sent 6-8 months after the second dose.
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