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It is unlikely that animal-to-human transplants will be successful in the near future.Only possible in the next 30 years: Experts | Weather Channel-Weather Channel Articles

It is unlikely that animal-to-human transplants will be successful in the near future.Only possible in the next 30 years: Experts | Weather Channel-Weather Channel Articles


A 57-year-old American man gets a pig heart with the world's first transplant (IANS)

File Photo: The world’s first surgical procedure for a porcine heart transplant.

(UMMC / Twitter / IANS)

The chances of a successful animal-to-human transplant are not in the near future, but experts said Thursday that they will be possible in the next 30-40 years.

This process, known as xenotransplantation, dates back to the 17th century when attempts were made to use animal blood for blood transfusions. Due to the lack of human organs, scientists have begun to see non-human primates such as monkeys, chimpanzees, baboons, and even pigs. Pig experiments have shown better results because the organs are comparable to humans.

But so far, no one has made lasting progress in animal-to-human transplantation, Dr. Sudhindran S., a professor of gastrointestinal surgery at Amrita Hospital in Kochi, told IANS.

“This process involves the acceptance of animal organs into the human body, so it is unlikely that significant progress will be made in the next 30-40 years. Overcoming the rejection process is complex and complex. It takes a lot of steps. It will never be easy for long-term success. “

However, Dr. Udgeath Dhir, Director and Head of CTVS at Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon, disagrees. According to him, xenotransplantation may be successful as animal organs become more compatible with the human body.

“In the near future, we are confident that we can modify the immune system or go to a xenograft that balances the immune system by allowing the body to accept these organs as part.” “Please,” Dhir told IANS.

He said, “This field is very diversified. We have reached the genetic level of capping or masking those cells that can cause immediate or delayed rejection of these organs. With the development of cell technology, the DNA that becomes part of our body can be modified. Therefore, in the near future we will undoubtedly have much more successful results. “

In a rare medical feat, in January a US doctor succeeded in transplanting a recombinant pig’s heart into a 57-year-old David Bennett, who suffers from end-stage heart disease. After surgery, the transplanted heart worked very well for several weeks without any signs of rejection. The patient was able to spend time with his family and participate in physiotherapy to regain strength. But two months later he died.

It is unclear whether organ rejection alone was involved in Bennett’s death, but researchers involved in xenograft procedures say that early positive results do not necessarily mean long-term success.

The main challenge in this process was the immunological barriers that led to the rejection of pig organs by the human immune system, doctors said.

However, some recent xenografts include only pigs. Researchers at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, USA, have successfully transplanted pig kidneys into brain-dead humans, but this was not rejected and they also produced urine.

In September 2021, American Journal of Transplantation We have shown transplantation of two kidneys in a genetically edited pig into a brain-dead patient. Again in October, a doctor at NYU Langone Health in New York performed a similar operation.

But why were only pig organs selected in the process?

“The porcine model has a physiological similarity to humans, a large littermate of 10 or more, a short gestation period of less than 4 months, and a lower risk of transmission of the infection compared to non-infection, so it has been studied over the last 20 years. Has become the focus of.-Human primates. ” Dr. Avnish Seth, director of organ donation and transplantation at Manipal Hospital, told IANS.

“Pigs are most commonly used because their gene sequences can be easily matched to humans, their organs are anatomically the same size, and they have a low risk of cross-infection,” said Navimunbai. Dr. Vikram Raut, a liver transplant and HPB surgery consultant at Apollo Hospital, added.

The ethical aspects of using animal organs for humans have also raised many concerns.

“To solve an organ shortage, we need to be more aware, not more animals,” Dr. Ankita Pandy, a toxicologist and PETA India’s science policy adviser, told IANS.

“Animal-to-human transplantation is just a vanity project to get a sensational headline, and it’s dangerous,” Pandy said.


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