Monkeypox, severe hepatitis raises concerns about viral outbreaks after COVID-nationwide
As the world continues to work COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Pandemic experts warn that emergent viruses are inevitable in the coming years and that better surveillance is needed to stay ahead of potential new pathogens.
Recent appearance Monkeypox Researchers continue to scramble to find out how rare infectious viruses are spreading in unusual countries, including Canada.
on the other hand, Severe acute hepatitis Concerns have also arisen among children in some countries.
“Emerging infectious diseases can always hit us,” said Dr. Theresa Tam, director of public health in Canada.
“And we need to be as prepared as possible, which means strengthening the world’s public health capacity,” she said at a press conference on Friday.
According to experts, climate change and increased human-wildlife interactions are factors in the emergence of “mostly human-made” viruses.
This is why endemic outbreaks are more persistent and frequent. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)..
At a press conference Wednesday, WHO Head of Emergency, Mike Ryan said animals and humans changed their behavior, including food-seeking habits to adapt to rapidly changing weather conditions associated with climate change. Said that.
As a result, he said, diseases that normally prevail in animals are increasingly invading humans.
“Unfortunately, as the ability to amplify the disease and move it within our community is increasing, both the emergence of the disease and the amplification of the disease are increasing.”
Climate change may increase the risk of new infectious diseases that spread throughout the species: research
Dr. Horacio Bach, an infectious disease expert at the University of British Columbia, explains that the warm air and water make it easier for viruses and bacteria to grow and grow.
This is a “turbulent situation” brought to the forefront by the COVID-19 pandemic, said Dr. Donald Bin, an infectious disease specialist and medical microbiologist at the McGill University Health Center (MUHC).
“We have a vulnerable balance with our environment,” Vinh told Global News. “Unfortunately, if we don’t respect our environment, it will bring us bugs that we haven’t prepared.”
Is there a link to COVID?
Experts do not believe in the latest outbreaks, but after two years of COVID-19 the depleted world population had to face news of the arrival of monkeypox Will be another pandemic..
Both are infectious diseases, but Bach states that the epidemic of monkeypox has nothing to do with the global transmission of COVID-19.
“It’s a completely different virus, so it’s not part of the family (same as COVID),” he said.
Experts call monkeypox, which is prevalent in at least 10 African countries, a “neglected disease.” This is because there is not enough research to treat it or no drug has been developed.
Investigations are underway, but “the sudden and unexpected appearance of monkeypox in several non-epidemic countries may have led to an undetected infection for an unknown period of time, following a recent amplifier event. It suggests that. ” WHO said in a Saturday update..
For severe acute hepatitis in children, Some studies Is pointing out Possible association with COVID-19 infection.. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes infection with the common pediatric virus adenovirus. The main hypothesis of recent cases..
Both SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and adenovirus have been detected in many cases.
However, the exact role of these viruses that cause severe hepatitis is not yet clear, According to WHO.
Meanwhile, COVID-19 restrictions and strict lockdowns have changed the infection cycle of other viruses such as influenza A and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), said Dr. Anna Banerji, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Toronto. I am. ..
This is because newborns and babies are not exposed to routine childhood illnesses such as the cold virus through the mother in utero or her older siblings.
“Many viruses have changed seasons, but some are more severe because the baby is not exposed to them via the mother’s antibodies,” Banergi told Global News.
Global response and monitoring
Experts say that better monitoring, global collaboration, and building health capabilities are needed to respond appropriately to future outbreaks.
“It’s very important to expand all countries to a reasonable level,” Tam said, adding that “there is definitely a gap.”
48 cases of norovirus, a gastrointestinal disease associated with Botan shrimp throughout Canada: PHAC
Vinh agreed that the global response is fair and should come early and spread to different parts of the world before the outbreak grows.
“We need to actively research, look for potential new pathogens that are coming, and be able to already get a solution when they appear and become a problem. “He said.
“We started investigating bugs not when the infection spread to the community, but long before.”
— Use Reuters, Canadian Press, Associated Press files
© 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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