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Here are some tips on how sleep affects your career and how to get a better sleep:

Here are some tips on how sleep affects your career and how to get a better sleep:


By Heather Cherry —

Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation are common challenges that can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life.According to Johns Hopkins Carry Business School Professor and Associate Dean Brian Gunia“Sleep deprivation or sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of problematic behaviors, mental and emotional health problems, cognitive impairment, and physical illness. Each of these problems varies. Unhealthy sleep can lead to distractions that prevent employees from achieving their organization’s goals, or can lead to mistakes or physical distractions. It can lead to potential injuries, or it can undermine the ability of employees to interact productively and professionally with colleagues, customers, or others. “

And the vast majority of the population will probably experience challenges when it comes to sleep.Recently study We conclude that almost one-third of the population experiences symptoms of insomnia, about 26% experience excessive drowsiness, and 4% experience obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleeping better is something that everyone can work on and improve with the right kind of support and care.

Here are some tips on how sleep affects your career and how to get a better night’s sleep.

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Sleep stage

according to Sleep FoundationNormal sleep period includes 4-5 sleeps

stage.These stages are divided into Rapid eye movement (REM) and

Non-rapid sleep (NREM) sleep.

  • Stage 1: It is generally short and includes the time from awake to falling asleep.
  • Stage 2: Your body and mind will slow down and settle into your sleep. It’s still easy to wake up — this stage can be considered a light sleep.
  • Stage 3: The body slows down and enters recovery mode. This is often referred to as “rest and digestion.” It may be more difficult to wake up at this stage. This stage is often referred to as deep sleep because breathing and brain activity are generally very slow.
  • Stage 4: Brain activity increases in a pattern as you are awake. But you are not. Breathing and heart rate increase and muscles remain stationary. This is the stage where you may have a strong dream.

How the stages come together during the sleep period Sleep architecture..Usually you have to go through 4 or 5 different Sleep cycle During a given night, and each cycle lasts 90 minutes to 2 hours. Some cycles include all three phases of non-REM sleep and REM sleep, but not all cycles include each phase.

Benefits of sleep

Scientists believe that a healthy REM pattern helps the brain focus and get rid of unwanted information. That’s why you can make decisions and perform tasks faster after a good night’s sleep.

It is important to note that there is a difference between Sleeping disorder And chaotic sleep.

  • Sleep disorders include apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia, sleepwalking, and restless legs syndrome.
  • Sleep disorders include fatigue, restlessness, daytime sleepiness, lack of energy, pain, and inability to sleep in chronotypes.

Good sleep supports healthy hormonal function and emotional regulation. Specifically, sleep regulates the levels of cortisol, a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, also known as stress hormones. Cortisol Helps regulate other hormones in the body. “Sleep deprivation goes down the hormonal stairs.” Sara Gottfried, MD, said a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Integrative Medicine and Nutrition at Thomas Jefferson University. “When you relax, sleep well, and wake up in a recovered mood, cortisol peaks within 30 minutes of waking up, which complements all your other hormones, including you. Thyroid and estrogen.. “

Getting enough sleep helps you:

  • You will get sick less often.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Reduces the risk of serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.
  • Reduces stress and improves mood.
  • Think more clearly and do better at work.
  • Make friends with others.

Sleep and mental health

Lack of sleep Among other risk factors for your overall health and well-being, it contributes to the onset, recurrence, and maintenance of mental health problems.For example, people with insomnia 17 times or more It is more likely than someone who has not experienced a clinically significant level of depression or anxiety. “”sleepy It affects almost every tissue in your body. It affects growth and stress hormones, your immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health. ” Dr. Michael Twaly, A consultant for public health and biomedical research, and a former sleep expert at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders can also cause problems in people’s personal lives, especially within the family. It can affect how people behave at work and school. “

Studies most commonly study the association between insomnia and depression and anxiety, but there is also evidence that sleep problems are associated with a variety of mental health problems.For example, lack of sleep Post-traumatic stress, Eating disordersWhen Psychosis spectrum Experiences such as delusions and hallucinations.In addition, research has discovered it Certain sleep disordersSleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, excessive daytime sleepiness, and narcolepsy are common in people with mental health problems.

Sleep and career vitality

Sleep deprivation Job performance, Productivity, career progress, satisfaction, and increased work-related accidents, absenteeism, and unproductive work behavior. Conversely, better sleep improves memory, knowledge acquisition, and learning.

Specifically, there are some consequences of sleep disorders in your career.

  • Decision making: Sleep loss reduces cerebral metabolism in the prefrontal cortex (the brain region involved in cognitive processes such as judgment and decision making).
  • Risk taking: Fall asleep study We have shown that sleep deprived participants tend to choose more financial risks.
  • Mood and memory: One night Sleep loss It not only increases the scale of hostility and anxiety, but also increases tension, confusion and malaise.
  • performance: Creativity and complex thinking suffer from sleep loss, leading to poor performance and endangering the company in the long run.
  • Less motivated: Sleep deprivation leaders are more difficult to stimulate the workforce.
  • Circadian rhythm disorder: The Circadian rhythm— Physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle — contribute to health and wellness (or lack thereof). Out-of-sync circadian rhythms can disrupt daily activities, contribute to poor performance and other necessary skills. Effective for your career.

Better sleep habits

Healthy sleep Brain plasticity— The ability of the brain to adapt to input. If you sleep too little, you will not be able to process what you have learned during the day, which can make it even more difficult to remember in the future.

Better sleep often begins with creating better sleep habits. Good sleep habits (Sometimes called “sleep hygiene”) allows you to sleep soundly.Your improvement Sleep habits This includes staying consistent (sleeping every night and waking up at the same time every morning), including weekends. “Everyone needs to sleep 7-8 hours a night to feel rest, or they will feel tired throughout the week,” he said. Dr. Susheel Patil, MD, PhD, Director of the University Hospital Sleep Medicine Program, Former Director of the Johns Hopkins Sleep Medicine Fellowship Program. “Often people catch up with sleep over the weekend and try to pay off the” sleep debt “we have accumulated during the week. This helps, but one weekend’s increased sleep isn’t enough to pay it back. “

Here are some techniques for improving your sleep habits and quality of sleep.

  • Track sleep patterns: Use digital tools to track sleep patterns such as: Oura ring, FitBit, Health appmore.
  • Create a quieter bedroom. A comfortable bedroom environment is an invitation to relax and take a nap.Perform your bedroom for better promotion Sleep hygiene— Create a quiet, dark, relaxing and comfortable temperature space.
  • Set a sleep schedule. Optimizing your sleep schedule, pre-sleep routines, and daily routines is part of taking advantage of habits to make quality sleep feel more automatic. Decide when to schedule wake up and sleep and stick to it.
  • Strive for a better diet and nutrition: Try to eat more whole foods and less processed foods.
  • Stay active: Regular exercise It can improve sleep and help with sleep disorders such as insomnia and restless legs syndrome.
  • Natural light: Aim to be exposed to natural light throughout the day, whether you’re sitting by the window or going for a walk.
  • Evaluate medications and other diagnoses. Some medications can affect your sleep quality. Talk to your healthcare provider about your medications and diagnoses to see how they affect your sleep quality.

If you have Sleeping disorder Talk to your healthcare provider once a week, once a month, or if you have any concerns. If you are concerned about the quantity or quality of your sleep, or if you think you are getting enough sleep but feel tired, tell your doctor about your concerns.

Good sleep is important for your health and well-being, and for effective functioning in your career. To be productive every day, take the necessary steps to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep on a regular basis.

Heather cherry Is a versatile writer and editor with 15 years of experience in creating content. She is proficient in providing solutions to clients through strategic, creative and conversational messages. She published, Sell ​​your A $$ off, A marketing guidebook for small businesses.




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