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Should I be concerned about the safety of nonstick cookware?

Should I be concerned about the safety of nonstick cookware?


Should I be concerned about the safety of nonstick cookware?

Questions are being raised about the use of “forever chemicals” in coatings on non-stick cookware: should we be worried?
photograph: Unsplash

If you have nonstick pots and pans in your kitchen, you may be concerned about whether they are safe to use.

General concerns typically center around the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) in coatings for non-stick cookware.

These substances, also known as “forever chemicals” because they take a long time to break down, are used in many household products, including waterproof clothing and stain-protection products for fabrics and carpets.

So if you have old nonstick pots and pans, is it safe to continue using them?

What are your concerns about nonstick pans?

Many nonstick pots and pans are coated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a PFAS, commonly known by the brand name Teflon.

RMIT chemistry professor Oliver Jones said PTFE was used because of its toughness and non-stick properties.

He said PTFE-coated non-stick pans are safe to use, but generally shouldn't be used to cook food at very high temperatures.

Heating these pans above 260 degrees can begin to degrade the PTFE coating, but the coating doesn't deteriorate significantly until temperatures reach 349 degrees, Jones says.

“There have been studies done on the fumes that are produced when Teflon is heated, but the temperatures required are very high, generally higher than the smoke point of most oils,” Jones said.

“So unless the oil starts smoking, it won’t reach that temperature, and even then, you’ll need to continue to be exposed to the oil before you see any effects, which are usually minor for humans.

“This is assuming that no extractor fans or other ventilation devices were used during cooking.”

Are you worried about cooking with a scratched nonstick pan?

Another concern is that cooking food with damaged or scratched nonstick cookware can expose you to PFAS.

Jones said there has been little research into the effects of ingesting “permanent chemicals” from scratched or broken cookware, but because Teflon is inert, he said there should be no harm if the coating wears off.

Still, as a precaution, it's wise to avoid using damaged nonstick pots and pans, he says.

“If you accidentally swallow a piece of Teflon, it will absolutely pass through your body,” Jones says.

“But if you want to be safe, if the lining of your pan starts to peel off, it's probably time to replace it.”

If you're looking for alternatives, try cookware made from other materials like stainless steel, cast iron, or copper. You can also use wooden cookware instead of metal ones to avoid scratching your Teflon pans.

Some companies sell products with a non-stick ceramic coating that is PFAS-free.

Why PTFE is not considered a “chemical of concern” for humans

While some chemicals in the PFAS family have been found to be toxic to animals and humans, the Australian government's PFAS taskforce has said PTFE is non-toxic.

And unlike other PFAS chemicals, PTFE is not soluble in water and cannot be metabolized, so it cannot be absorbed by the body.

As a result, Australian regulators do not consider PTFE/Teflon to be a chemical of concern for humans or the environment.

PFOA was historically used in the manufacturing process of Teflon, but the government's PFAS Task Force has said it should not be in PTFE/Teflon products.

It is important to emphasize that PFOA is not a component of Teflon. It is simply added to the reaction vessel to aid in the production of Teflon and is removed at the end of the process.

Therefore, Teflon should be free of PFOA.

Strict standards are in place to ensure that Teflon is free of PFOA.

Why PFAS are Nearly Impossible to Avoid

Professor Nicholas Buckley, from the University of Sydney, chaired an expert health committee advising the Australian government on the potential health effects of exposure to PFAS.

Because PFAS are nearly ubiquitous in the environment, it's nearly impossible to avoid them completely, he says.

“We're talking really tiny amounts, parts per trillion in the environment and in water. If you live in an older house, it could be in the dust in your house, it could be in the food you eat,” he says.

“[PFAS] It breaks down very slowly, so it's present everywhere, but in very small amounts.”

While news about PFAS is concerning, Professor Buckley says issues such as air pollution should be much more worrying than potential exposure to PFAS from pots and pans.

“I personally have no concerns about this at all,” he said.

“Air pollution is a much more significant environmental health concern, with bad weather days causing a significant increase in heart and lung disease, even in relatively unpolluted countries like Australia.”

Jones shares a similar view.

“i don't think so [PFAS from pots and pans] It will cause health problems,” he said.

“It’s worth studying and looking at, but if you want to have a health intervention, there may be other ways to have a positive impact. [such as] Exercise more, be more active and avoid alcohol.”





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