Explained: A brief history of India-Nigeria relations, with PM Modis' visit | News explained
Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Nigeria early on Sunday (November 17), ahead of his visit to Brazil for the G20 leaders' summit. In his opening remarks during a meeting with Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, he said: “We place high priority on our strategic partnership with Nigeria.
This trip to this African country was the first by an Indian Prime Minister in 17 years. Nigeria's second highest national honor the Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger was awarded to Prime Minister Modi at a ceremony in the capital Abuja, for his statesmanship and remarkable contribution to strengthening India-Nigeria relations. He thus becomes the first foreign leader to receive this award since 1969.
In his speech, the Prime Minister highlighted the long-standing historic friendship between India and Nigeria, saying the recognition underscored their commitment to the aspirations of the Global South. He also identified terrorism, separatism, piracy and drug trafficking as major challenges that countries worked on together.
We examine the history of India-Nigeria relations, Nigeria's position on the continent, and the importance of deepening ties amid China's presence in Africa.
Six decades of India-Nigeria relations
India and Nigeria, with populations of 1.4 billion and 220 million respectively, are both large, developing and democratic countries with multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual societies. When former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited Abuja in October 2007, the two countries elevated the status of their bilateral relations to a strategic partnership.
But these ties date back more than 60 years, when India established its Diplomatic House in Lagos in 1958, two years before Nigeria became independent from British colonial rule in 1960. Since then, political contacts at the highest level were maintained.
From the 60s to the 80s, Indian teachers and doctors played a crucial role during the formative years of independent Nigeria. India also established the National Defense Academy in Kaduna and the Naval War College in Port Harcourt. The 60,000-strong Indian expatriate community, the largest in West Africa today, adds value to long-standing bilateral relations.
Nigeria has played a huge and positive role in Africa. And close cooperation with Africa is a high priority for India, Prime Minister Modi said in an article on X.
These links also have a major economic dimension, as more than 200 Indian companies have invested around $27 billion in Nigeria's manufacturing sector and constitute the second largest employer after the federal government. India has also become a two-pronged development partner by providing development assistance in the form of concessional loans ($100 million) and training programs for capacity building.
Nigeria's role in Africa
Nigeria is the fastest growing economy in Africa and has the third largest manufacturing sector. Its economy is the fourth largest on the continent and its population is the largest, which is why it is called the giant of Africa.
It is also a founding member of the African Union, a forum bringing together all African countries among its members. Its precursor, the Organization of African Unity, was established in 1963 and one of its main founders was then Nigerian President Nnamdi Azikiwe. The AU became a permanent member of the G20 during last year's summit hosted by India.
Additionally, Nigeria is a member of international organizations such as the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Countering China's steps in Africa
India's plans to develop closer relations with Nigeria also align with its larger strategic interests in Africa, where China has already left a significant footprint. Africa has significant resources, including minerals that India needs for sectors such as electric vehicles, and is an important player in the Indian Ocean region.
However, over the past two decades, China has significantly expanded its trade with African countries. In 2012, total trade between China and Africa was $128 billion, compared to $100 billion between the United States and Africa.
Thanks to its economic clout, China is massively financing infrastructure projects such as roads, railways, dams, ports and airports as part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Currently, China is Africa's largest trading partner, with trade exceeding $200 billion annually. More than 10,000 Chinese companies operate across the continent and the value of Chinese companies there has increased to more than $2 trillion since 2015, with $300 billion in current investments.
Given these developments and Nigeria's growth prospects, India will continue its economic and cultural investments in Africa, which will not be possible without Nigeria at the center. The Prime Minister said at the end of his visit: As the African proverb says: a friend is someone with whom you share the journey.
Sources 2/ https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/nigeria-india-relations-history-modi-visit-9676117/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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