India completed a 295-run win over Australia on day four of the first Test in Perth
First Test Live: Australia vs India at Perth Stadium
Next up is Adelaide
Australia have not lost in the last seven Tests in Adelaide.
The last time India were here they were steamrolled for 36.
A positive omen for Australia perhaps.
Though their aura of invincibility in Pink Ball Tests was ended by West Indies last time.
Can the Aussies strike back?
We'll be back from December 6 for all the action in that test.
Thank you for being with us during this first test.
From myself and Jon Healy, good evening.
'Not panicking is key': Darren Lehmann
Former Australia coach Darren Lehmann speaks on ABC Radio.
He says there is no reason to panic.
“Not panicking is the key now,” he says.
“We can say that all these people are under scrutiny. World-class players, you have to give them time.
“If it happens again in Adelaide then it is a concern.
“I'm pretty sure they will bounce back. They have to figure out how to play Bumrah.”
Australia won't make major changes: Cummins
Here's more from Pat Cummins on ABC Radio.
“No matter what we tried, it didn't really work,” he says.
“It wasn't intentional.”
Cummins has also paid attention to body language, with many commentators yesterday describing the Aussies as flat.
“People may think that. I was there and I felt it and I'm happy with how we handled it,” he says.
He also spoke about the form of Marnus Labuschagne and Steve Smith.
“That's professional sport. We've all been through periods when things didn't go your way. Those two guys put in hours in the nets and have the right conversations,” he says.
“They are two champions and I am sure they will recover.
“I'm not a selector, but I would be surprised if we made major changes.
“I'm confident these are the best 11 guys. It's a sample size of one this summer.”
As for any differing views between the batters and bowlers?
“We take care of each other,” he says.
“There are plenty of games where the batters get us out of tough situations and vice versa.
“We challenge each other when we need to be challenged.”
Jasprit Bumrah is player of the match
Here is the Indian skipper.
“We were under pressure in the first innings,” Bumrah said.
“But the way we came back. I'm very proud.
“We were really well prepared.
“I just told everyone to have confidence in their process and abilities because here we have an opportunity to do something special.
“On any given day, experience does matter, but if you have confidence in your abilities, you can do something special.”
He pays tribute to Jaiswal, whose great century contributed to the victory.
'We can ask for nothing else, [from] Jaiswal,” he says.
“That was probably his best innings so far because he left the ball well. He's an attacking player but he hit long.”
Pat Cummins says it's 'disappointing'
Pat Cummins has to be dragged out of a conversation with Jasprit Bumrah.
“Yeah, pretty disappointing,” Cummins says.
“We thought our preparation was very good.
“One of those games where not much went right.”
He says the long delay between the first and second tests “is what it is.”
“You always want to get back on the horse fairly quickly, but we do have a few days of rest.
“We didn't really give ourselves a chance on a number of different fronts.
“There's a few different areas we need to clean up.
“There's a lot of experience there. I think they're doing their job pretty well.”
A worrying start
Yep….abysmal performance from Aus – minus the first hour of play on day one. I agree that this is depressing and deeply concerning.
– Oldtimer
Don't worry, Oldtimer.
There are four more tests to go!
It might be worth noting that this is two home test defeats in a row for Australia…
Pink test, next
Thanks for blogging four days of remarkable cricket Simon and Jon looking on the bright side, it's over now and the West will fade into our memories as we head towards Adelaide and its pomegranate ball.
The Adelaide Test is next, with the teams having 10 days off before picking up the horns again.
A dominant win in the West for India.
After being bowled out for 150 in the first innings, India absolutely crushed Australia.
It's as dominant a victory as they could have ever dreamed of.
That's a peach of a slower ball. Carey was aware that it was going through him the moment he played the shot too early.
That takes extraordinary skill from Rana – a brilliant, brilliant way to end the match.
Carey goes for 38.
59th over – Rana continues
POP! Now Carey is getting hit on the body. That ball didn't come up at all and Carey, as he dove, was hit in the ribs. That's an annoying one. Rana checks on Carey next. He's nice after he beat you up, to be honest.
Carey pulls a short to fine leg, none taken.
Carey pulls a few runs through midwicket, this slow outfield sucking all the speed out of the ball as it rolls over it.
58th over – Sundar has another
Carey goes to a deep back point, but they don't run.
Carey takes a step and defends. KL Rahul shows off his football skills by picking the ball off the ground with just a few touches with each boot.
BIG APPLE! Carey got hit on the pad, looked at me out of bounds – and there was an inside edge too.
Batpad and a slip-in-place. Carey shoots the ball around the corner and takes a single.
Two balls for Josh Hazlewood.
There are three men close on the leg side, bat pad, leg slip and silly midwicket.
There's an orthodox mistake too, but Hazlewood clears the ball away from them all to see the over.
57th over – Rana continues
Carey defends solidly.
Bouncer from Rana, Hazlewood ducks flying over his shoulder.
Carey does swing towards it down the leg side, but was never in danger of hitting it.
Good bouncer, Carey went to flick it over the lone slip but a third man is in order and the ball continued to follow Carey as he sat back and didn't miss his throat by much.
Carey drives square for a single, exposing Hazlewood to a single delivery.
Hazlewood lasted almost an hour and a half in the first innings, more than all but one other batter, Mitch Starc, so he's not so delicate that he can't handle himself.
He defends the ball, which is then called no ball.
HIT HIM! On the helmet! Hazlewood turns his head and is immediately caught on the badge on the back. That will be a bit painful. I bet he wished Rana hadn't crossed the ball before…
Rana and Kohli both go to check on Hazlewood, who says everything is fine.
56th over – Sundar continues
Half surprised by this, half not. India is in no hurry.
However, there will be a lot of close catchers for Hazlewood, a lot of pads will be applied.
Slip, leg gutter, club pad and crazy point. Hazlewood leaves outside.
FOUR! Nicely played by Josh Hazlewood through the covers! A ball that comes in from Sundar, but is still sent.
BEAT! Spin and bounce. One of the first we've really seen of Sundar. A great ball wasted on Hazlewood.
Hazlewood is forward, hit on the pad but off an inside edge. That was close.
Hazlewood defends the latter.
55th over – Rana comes in
Josh Hazlewood is the new man on the non-strikers side.
BIG APPLE! Carey gets hit on the pads. There is a frantic, frenzied discussion and Bumrah gives in and gives reviews!
In real time it didn't look too bad…
Kohli shouted 'not height' during that conversation, and honestly, that might be the problem. It landed high on the pillow as Carey stood on his toes.
Yes, too high. It's not over.
Two well-spaced slips in position. Carey pushes the covers, pushes for a moment and the throw hits Carey in the back as he dives for the line.
Carey defends solidly.
Carey clips his pads at midwicket, but there's no running – it should have been quick anyway, but I think Carey wants to protect Hazlewood as much as possible.
Now Carey wants a single to square leg – but there isn't one and he is sent back by Hazlewood.
The field is in, Carey pushes the ball up the middle and there is no running.
India is one road!
Lyon played for spin, there was none and Lyon's straight bat was seeded on the wrong line.
Off stump makes that satisfying thudding sound and the Aussies are in agony here.
54th over – Two more coming from Sundar
Nathan Lyon defends solidly against his fellow spinner.
A sad test in the West
No century for Head, no 50 for Marsh – I can't imagine a more depressing Test match from Australia in a long time, nothing to celebrate at all…
TEA: Australia 8-227 (Carey 30)
It now feels like the end is nigh after tea, with Nathan Lyon and Josh Hazlewood on the horizon.
Mitchell Starc will be devastated by an impressive dig to that end, but what can you do when faced with such a prodigious attack?
WHAT A CATCH!! Dhruv Jurel with a pearl on short leg to send Mitchell Starc
Starc tried to cut off his pads and Jurel just reflexively reached for it with the right hand, and it was just one of those hands where it just got stuck in the glove.
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