“Set earthquake type”: Talk of Senator Kamala Harris’ successor launching the competition in California
The election of US Senator Kamala Harris as Vice President unleashed fierce competition in California for her replacement, as contestants already pressured Governor Gavin Newsom for a potentially once-in-a-lifetime date.
Joe Biden picked Harris this week to join him on the Democratic presidential ticket. If they win in November, it will be up to the Democratic governor to appoint Harris’ replacement for a term extending through January 2023. Newsom said Wednesday that aspiring candidates are already calling for him about the potential vacancy.
For Newsom, the list of choices is long and the political stakes abound, especially with a national account of ongoing ethnic injustice. In theory, Newsom could choose himself.
“It’s setting some kind of an earthquake,” said longtime Democratic National Committee member Bob Mulholland.
On selection, Newsom will face considerations from gender to geography to demographics.
There will be pressure to choose a woman, especially a black woman, to replace Harris, the first black woman to run on the presidential ticket for a major party. She is one of only two black women who have served in the Senate, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India.
Rep. Karen Bass, who was on the Biden shortlist for vice president and headed the Black Caucus in Congress, is likely to get attention, along with Representative Barbara Lee, another black congressman with progressive credentials.
Representative Katie Porter of Orange County has built a national reputation during her short time in Washington and is a prolific fundraiser. Then there is Lieutenant Eleni Konalakis, who served as Hungary’s ambassador under President Barack Obama.
In the diverse state of California, others advocate for a person of Hispanic descent, giving the governor a chance to appoint the first Latino senator in a state with more Hispanics than whites.
Newsom will likely look into possibilities across the spectrum but there is another option. The governor can – to avoid the possibility of offending various factions within the party – to choose a deputy from among the elders of the party to fill the seat until the 2022 election – someone with a personal profile like former governor Jerry Brown. Under this scenario, the nominee would step down after the election of a new senator.
“It’s an old joke in politics: Every time you set a date, you make 20 enemies and one smitten,” said Jack Pitney, professor of political science at Claremont McKenna College.
One name that is rising in early speculation is Newsom’s longtime friend, Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He is of Hispanic descent and has proven himself able to franchise statewide. He is 47 years old and has emerged as a nationally recognized voice in voting security. Presence in Southern California may be an added advantage to Padilla in balancing political power statewide, as Newsom and US Senator Dianne Feinstein and Harris all have roots in the San Francisco area.
There are other prominent Hispanic politicians who will likely be considered, including Attorney General Xavier Becera, who drew Trump’s resistance to the state, and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia, the city’s first openly gay mayor who recently lost his mother and husband due to COVID-19. .
Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villarigosa, Newsom’s former rival for the governor who contemplated running for the Senate in 2015, also has a patriotic image, although his previous friction with Newsom won’t boost his chances.
Several mayors would be potential candidates, including San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who wears black and has ties to Harris, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who flirted with the presidential run and has Mexican-Jewish-Italian roots.
With the nation struggling with racial tensions, it seems unlikely that the ruler would turn to someone like him, a middle-aged white man, said Thad Coser, a professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego.
For the same reason, Coser said Rep. Adam Schiff, who made a patriotic name during Trump’s impeachment hearings, may not get approval.
Koser added that there were “an enormous number of qualified candidates who made history” for the governor to take into consideration. “This choice couldn’t be someone who fits the same demographic profile as Gov. Newsom.”
The appointment would leave an inevitable imprint on Newsom’s legacy and could shape state policy for decades to come. In a heavily Democratic state of California, a rhombus could hold the seat for a generation. Feinstein – the 87th oldest in the Senate – has held the position since 1992.
On Wednesday, Newsom refused to offer his ideas when asked about a possible alternative to Harris, saying he was focusing on the coronavirus outbreak, restarting the economy and getting students back in school.
But when a reporter asked if any of the potential candidates had begun to pressure him, Newsom quipped, “Well, you might be the only person who didn’t, unless you did. That’s just a slight exaggeration.”
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