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The rise of variants is driving an all-in-one Covid-19 vaccine

The rise of variants is driving an all-in-one Covid-19 vaccine


By James Paton and Suzi Ring

In just a few weeks after deploying the vaccine to fight Covid-19, researchers are shifting their focus to a new class of potential shots to address the threat posed by the rapidly spreading mutations.

Dangerous coronavirus variants identified in Africa, Europe and South America cover the world and can target and emerge multiple versions of the pathogen in a single shot to scientists in the UK and elsewhere. It encourages you to drive away more deadly enemies of sexuality.

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Subspecies that originated in South Africa have already shown that the defenses posed by some vaccines can be partially circumvented. The country has suspended the deployment of shots from AstraZeneca Plc because it provided minimal protection against mild to moderate illness caused by a mutant called B.1.351. As the virus spreads, it increases the risk of more alarming mutations.

“I’m not happy that I got the vaccine I needed. It’s only a matter of time before the pandemic ends. It’s not,” said Richard Hache, CEO of the Epidemic Innovation Alliance. T said. Accelerate the development of Covid inoculation. “We are competing with the virus and we need to anticipate it.”

Britain was the first western country to approve shots, with a surge in the supply of huge Covid vaccines early on. We are now catching up with this outbreak and trying to maintain momentum in the next phase of the crisis. This is a difficult task due to the spread of the virus.

Dull optimism

Last week, the government announced an agreement with CureVac NV to work on mutants, combine artificial intelligence to predict future mutations, and adopt messenger RNA technology that can rapidly generate new vaccines. London-based GlaxoSmithKline Plc is also working with CureVac on a mutant-suppressing vaccine after the end of a promising partnership with Sichuan Clover Biopharmaceuticals Inc. and delays in individual trials with Sanofi.

Meanwhile, countries throughout the European Union, which lag behind the United States and the United Kingdom in vaccination, are questioning the strategy of blocking mutants. At the Conference of Ambassadors on Wednesday, countries, including Malta and Germany, urged the European Commission to ensure that contracts with manufacturers cover sufficient batches if booster shots are needed. Bloomberg..

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New variants, including the B.1.1.7 strain that emerged in southern England, blunted optimism with highly effective mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna late last year. According to Michael Kinch, a vaccine expert at Washington University in St. Louis, companies should be able to quickly redesign their vaccinations based on the unique peplomer that the coronavirus uses to invade human cells. Scientists have tools to keep pace, but further mutations require an alternative approach, he said.

“The bad news for these particular variants, and why many of us are nervous, is not that the vaccines suddenly stop working, but they will gradually become obsolete,” Kinch. Said.

Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson say they have begun developing booster shots and other initiatives to enhance the vaccine. AstraZeneca and its partner Oxford are looking for a fine-tuned version for the new variants available by the fall.

According to Andrew Pollard, chief researcher at the Oxford trial, one of the challenges pharmaceutical companies face in their quest for single shots covering a variety of strains is still one of the most prevalent in the coming months. I don’t know.

“Today we know which one to choose, but the virus can continue to evolve under pressure from human immunity, which can change over time,” he said. ..

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Researchers are looking at several ways to overcome the challenges. Another strategy involves including various antigens that are the molecules of the vaccine that provoke an immune response, Kinch said. Peplomers have proven to be good targets, but other surface proteins in the viral envelope and membrane may also prove to be important.

“Almost finished work”

Julian Hiscox, a coronavirus expert at the University of Liverpool and chair of Infectious Diseases and Global Health, said: “Peplomer-based vaccines first appeared. In the next round, he said, he could add N- or nucleocapsid-proteins whose job is to bind to viral RNA. For both protein and RNA, “it’s almost done,” he said.

Traditional methods that use the virus itself in a weakened or inactivated form and offer a wide selection of potential targets (such as those used by some Chinese developers, including Sinovac Biotech Ltd.) are also better. Kinch said it could play an important role.

CEPI, an Oslo-based group funding a number of Covid vaccine programs, has set a goal of developing “stock changes” within 100 days if needed, Hatchet said. I will. Pfizer partner BioNTech SE states that if the vaccine turns out to be ineffective against a new strain, it can theoretically make the latest shots for that variant within six weeks. ..

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For years, multivalent influenza vaccines that target three or four versions of the pathogen have provided protection against multiple strains that travel around the world. Glaxo and CureVac plan to rely on mRNA technology to develop products that address multiple mutants with a single Covid vaccine. If the work is successful, the vaccine may be ready next year.

Thomas Breuer, chief healthcare officer of Glaxo’s vaccine division, said it could still have a significant impact given the number of countries where vaccines are not available. Glaxo, one of the leading suppliers of flu vaccines, is accustomed to changing vaccines quickly, he said.

Following the partnership with the UK and Glaxo, CureVac was approached by other governments, said its chief technology officer, Mariola Fotin-Mleczek.

“The virus mutates further and needs to be reinvested now,” she said.

Some scientists, including a team at the University of Cambridge, are looking for a vaccine that can protect against multiple coronaviruses in preparation for a future pandemic. With UK funding, the Cambridge Group is developing technology that can be plugged into any platform to combat multiple variants and other coronaviruses, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and MERS. They are planning to start human experimentation in the spring.

Increased pressure

“We need to create a next generation that will compete not only with these variants, but with the next pandemic,” said Jonathan Heaney, a professor at the University of Cambridge who leads the study.

Combinations are another means that pharmaceutical companies are pursuing. Oxford has begun testing a combination of AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines to determine if two shots of different products will give better results. Russia is also planning a study to mix the Astra vaccine with the Sputnik V vaccine.

As the work progresses, the pressure increases. The new strain can make it more difficult to achieve the levels of immunity needed to control the virus, Hatchet said.

“All responsible observers are worried about what we are seeing. We will get so much mileage from the vaccines we have,” he said. “But we also need to be ready.”


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