Terrifying earthquake commemorates 2005
At 10:31 p.m. on February 12th, Wahid Sofi was in his regular job of browsing his social media feeds.
Sophie, 32, had just settled into his bed and was about to lift the heavy quilt over it when he felt a sudden jolt that shook his home and nearby things. It was thought to be an earthquake. He waited for a moment that the earthquake was over, but seconds later, another jolt made his way out of the quilt and then his home to find neighbors, already traumatized in the streets.
An earthquake shook the valley of Kashmir again and people were sharing their reasons for fleeing their homes, “My father is not afraid of earthquakes, while every member of our family was running out of our lives, he was calm. Sophie remembers that a neighbor told him, ‘We are the ones who forced him out.
According to the Ministry of Earth Sciences, a 6.3-magnitude earthquake jolted Tajikistan, and the tremor was also felt in Delhi and other parts of northern India, including Jammu and Kashmir.
Adding that the earthquake struck the Central Asian country at 10:31 pm on Friday. Tremors were felt for more than 30 seconds in New Delhi and other areas including Jammu and Kashmir.
But for a mechanical engineer in Srinagar, the reason for leaving his home was very simple, the devastating earthquake of 2005, “I remember today how it caused devastation in Kashmir and other parts of Pakistan,”
In the fall of 2005, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake jolted the valley of Kashmir.
According to the 2019 Seismic Hazard Index Report, around 1,500 deaths and 450,000 building collapses were reported in Kashmir due to the earthquake.
While Saturday’s earthquake was not as strong as the October 2005 earthquake, it was enough to cause some feathers and chills among the residents living in seismic zone V – the most active area where some strong earthquakes can occur.
The same appeared on the streets of Kashmir and on social media as people invoked God and a sense of humor to ignore the fear associated with the earthquake.
It also resulted in minor damage to homes in North and Central Kashmir, and Sophie was also concerned about his house being damaged in 2005, but this time there was nothing to worry about. “Fortunately, the refurbishment was intact and undamaged,” he said.
However, he was worried about the future and a stronger earthquake hit the canyon. The earthquake also took him back to the days of early October 2005 when he was 17 years old. The earthquake disturbed him and the fear lasted for days. “I remember it was Ramadan and I wasn’t fasting, in fact, I was taking morning tea when I felt a very strong jolt at home as if someone were running on the second floor. I thought it was one of my little cousins playing upstairs, but then I realized it was He wasn’t home… he remembers that when I started running.
Adding that the fearful eyes of his neighbors are something he will always remember, “That was Judgment Day, from the next day I started praying and fasting for the rest of the month. Sophie said. He noted that the aftershocks of the earthquake and rumors were more terrifying.”
In the aftermath of the earthquake, there were rumors of more earthquakes, and the aftershocks made it all the more reasonable. “I will never forget those days of torment,” he said.
Sophie is not the only one affected by Friday’s earthquake. The former Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, was among the thousands who took to their social media sites to write about the incident.
Abdullah said in a tweet on Twitter that the earthquakes forced him out of his home, where “the earth was shaking.”
He also mentioned the 2005 earthquake. “The tremors in Srinagar have not been bad enough to force me out of the house since the 2005 earthquake. I grabbed a blanket and ran. I didn’t remember taking my phone so I couldn’t tweet the phrase ‘earthquake’ while the ground was shaking.”
While seismic location and history are among the reasons why Kashmiris leave their homes without regard for timing, the prediction of a devastating earthquake makes it easy for residents to leave their comfort zones and jog in search of safety.
In 2019, according to a report by the news-gathering agency, the Press Trust of India, scientists said that a massive earthquake of magnitude 8.5 or more had been long overdue in the Himalayas, but India had not learned from past mistakes and was far from being prepared for such a possibility. With no strategy to minimize loss of life and property.
Scientists from various fields of expertise agree that an earthquake of magnitude 8.5 or more is likely to shake the Himalayas.
While it remains to be seen whether such an earthquake will hit Kashmir, the valley needs experience to know what the stakes are. Engineers can identify weaknesses in structures and tell the mechanism by which they can be made resistant so that lives and property are saved.
Doing so would reduce risks to life and property in the event of a disaster.
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