What is carbon monoxide? How can I detect it?
You’ve probably heard of carbon monoxide, but do you know what it is? Is it dangerous? Do you need a carbon monoxide detector in your home?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas commonly found in home appliances and automobiles. Burning fuel in small engines such as vehicles, lawnmowers, water heaters, clothes dryers, grills, gas fireplaces, gas stoves, and gas furnaces will come into contact with carbon monoxide.
Sounds pretty harmless, doesn’t it? Not always. Carbon monoxide indoors or without proper ventilation can cause carbon monoxide poisoning and can be fatal. Every year in the United States, more than 400 people die of unintended carbon monoxide poisoning, more than 20,000 go to the emergency room and more than 4,000 are hospitalized... The fact that CO is odorless and invisible makes CO even more dangerous. This is because people often do not suspect exposure until they are already ill. If they are not familiar with the risks and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, they may mistake those symptoms for other illnesses. This is why CO is often referred to as the “silent killer”.
Continue reading to find out if your family may be at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and the steps you can take to eliminate that risk.
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Is there a carbon monoxide leak?
When it comes to potentially fatal dangers, the preventive approach is always better than the ex post facto approach.
If you have a fuel burner or an attached garage, a precautionary approach is to install one (depending on the house) carbon monoxide detector near all sleeping areas and on each floor of the house. These detectors Industry safety standards set by Underwriters Laboratories And it is designed to detect abnormal CO accumulation over time. If the CO level exceeds industry safety standards, the detector will sound to warn you. This is the best way to determine if there is a CO leak. We’ll talk more about how to buy a carbon monoxide detector later.
What you know is important, whether you have a CO detector or not Signs and symptoms of CO exposure Be careful. It is also important to understand that some people are not experiencing any symptoms.
Common Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
The severity of carbon monoxide poisoning and the rate at which it occurs Home CO concentration.. For example, at 50 ppm (parts per million), you can be exposed for 8 hours without symptoms. Continued exposure at this level will ultimately result in a more dangerous accumulation. On the other hand, at 12,800 ppm, you can lose consciousness and die within 1-3 minutes of exposure.
If you or anyone in your home appears to have been exposed to CO, call the toll-free Poison Help hotline 1-800-222-1222. If the condition is terrible, you should call 911.
These are the most common symptoms associated with carbon monoxide poisoning.
- headache
- Stomach upset
- vomiting
- dizzy
- Weaknesses
- Chest pain
- confusion
- Unconscious
- Dyspnea
- Free from symptoms when you are away from home
- Several people in the house are affected by similar symptoms.
- Pet seems sick
- The above symptoms occur, but there are no other symptoms commonly associated with colds or the flu, such as fever, body pain, and swollen lymph nodes.
How to Find Carbon Monoxide Leaks
The· The most common cause of CO leaks Gas-fueled household appliances that are poorly maintained or poorly ventilated. However, other things, such as flue and chimney clogging, car exhaust defects and limitations, can also lead to CO buildup.Some here How to identify potential carbon monoxide leaks:
- Brownish or yellowish stains around appliances
- Pilot light that goes out frequently
- Burner flames appear yellow instead of clear blue (exception: natural gas fireplace)
- There is no upward draft in the chimney flue
- Old-fashioned air
- Soot, smoke, or backdraft in the house
If you find any of these issues, please respond promptly. The best way to prevent CO leaks is to thoroughly inspect your home’s fuel-powered equipment each year.
How to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning
The best approach to carbon monoxide poisoning is prevention. Carbon monoxide poisoning is not fatal, but it can cause long-term or permanent damage to important organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs. CO is known to be very damaging, so Carbon monoxide poisoning can be an organ donor.. It is sufficient to say that carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious problem with potential long-term consequences. So how can you prevent that from happening?
Carbon monoxide detector
The· National Fire Protection Association We recommend installing carbon monoxide detectors outside each bedroom and on each floor of the house. You should also check local laws and building codes to make sure the CO alarm is installed where it is needed.
Be sure to install a CO detector with a certified test lab such as Underwriters’ Laboratories. If your home is a smart home NestProtect, First alert and roost Includes detection of smoke and carbon monoxide. Regardless of which alarm you install, they have been tested for optimum accuracy and protection and should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Test the CO detector once a month on the same schedule as testing the smoke detector.
Equipment maintenance
I mentioned this when discussing the discovery and prevention of CO leaks, but it’s worth mentioning again. Inspect all fuel-powered appliances annually. If you purchase a new appliance, make sure it is installed by a qualified professional. The chimneys and flues are also inspected annually.
Not all CO issues occur within the residential area of ​​the house. The attached garage is a common cause. Always remove it from the garage and repair or replace a malfunctioning one before starting the fuel burner. Do not leave your car running in the garage without opening the door. Also, regularly inspect the exhaust system for leaks.
I live in an area where power outages are likely to occur Portable generator, Be sure to use it only outdoors.
Indoor smoking
Heavy smoking can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. In smokers, the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin (CO bound to hemoglobin) is usually 3% to 8% and up to 15%, Usually 1% for non-smokers. Others can also be affected by CO if they smoke in a closed area.
Conclusions on carbon monoxide
When using fuel-powered appliances and equipment in your home or garage, you will inevitably encounter carbon monoxide. The goal is not to eliminate CO, but to prevent CO from accumulating in living spaces and vehicles and to take appropriate precautions to warn when accumulation occurs. Carbon monoxide detectors are the best way to be warned about exposure to carbon monoxide before it poses a more serious health hazard to you and your family.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to provide health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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