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If you gain weight during a pandemic, you are not alone.This is what to do about it | News


(CNN)-Some people may have gained an average of more than 1.5 pounds a month on Covid-19 Shelter-in-Place orders last March and April.

From March 19th to April 6th, 2020, 45 of the 50 US state governments issued shelter-in-place orders to delay the spread of the new coronavirus.

According to the survey letter, the research team examined approximately 7,500 weight measurements from 269 participants between February 1st and June 1st, 2020. Published at JAMA Network Open on Monday.. Participants were part of the Health the Heart Study and weight measurements were taken from a Bluetooth-connected smart scale.

Dr. Gregory Marcus, a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, said: Francisco.

Why people are gaining weight in a pandemic

Studies have shown that this weight gain is independent of geographic location and comorbidities. The authors of the study said that the placement of shelter-in-place orders also accommodated a decrease in daily steps and an increase in self-reported binge eating.

These two corresponding factors are consistent with what experts believe is behind the increase in weight gain during a pandemic. Lisa Dryer, CNN’s health and nutrition contributor, cites a comfortable diet as a problem, especially during this stressful time.

During the blockade, many turned to high-calorie foods such as sweets and pizzas to relieve stress when there was little else to do or enjoy. By working from home, the kitchen is within reach all day long.

Just as the pandemic changed the diet, it also affected exercise habits, according to Dr. Caroline Apobian, co-director of the Weight Management and Wellness Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

The gym used by many people is closed, and some have lost basic daily physical activity such as walking from the parking lot to the office, but some are at the same level as before the closure. I’m not exercising.

If you’re reading this and thinking about your own non-ideal habits you’ve developed over the past year, Drayer said it’s not time to feel guilty about yourself.

“I’ll definitely take a break,” Drayer said. “Eating is one of the pleasures of life, and the pandemic was so stressful that we can understand that we ate more, more often, and more of our favorite comfort foods. “

However, it is important to recognize the unintended health effects of ordering shelter-in-place, the study authors said. Their results indicate that local governments are considering a response to Covid-19 and future pandemics, indicating the need for strategies to reduce weight gain.

According to Drayer, if this weight gain is significant and permanent, it can have widespread impact on society.

“That means there are already other unintended health effects associated with pandemics that can complicate dangerous situations,” she said.

This is because, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity or overweight increases the risk of serious illness with Covid-19, and obesity can triple the risk of hospitalization with Covid-19. Because.

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How to view these results to deal with weight gain

This study had its limits. The sample size of the study was small and not diverse. Of the 269 participants, 77% were Caucasian.

“The fact that they are (mostly) white means that the results are worse when we look at a racially diverse population,” Apobian said. That’s because “we know that obesity is more prevalent in different races.”

The reliance on Bluetooth scales and weight measurements for this study leads to a reduction in overall sample size, but this is another limitation, the study authors say.

They also have the characteristics of those who own these scales (already monitoring their weight and paying attention to their health), which may limit the extent to which the study results can be applied to other settings. They point out that they follow individuals. Over time to assess weight changes during shelter-in-place orders, the threat to internal effectiveness diminishes.

“What we have observed may actually underestimate the amount of weight gain experienced by the majority of people, because these people are more likely to be in health and research. I’m interested, “Marcus said.

With all this in mind, Drayer said there are steps you can take to boost your metabolism, fix bad habits, and drop a few pounds, even during a pandemic:

  1. Eat small, frequent meals. Eat 3 meals and 3 snacks daily, 3-4 hours apart. Please do not skip meals. Keep a portable snack handy in case you’re too busy to stop and eat.Try to be consistent with your diet Snack time..
  2. Put the protein in the plate. Aim to include at least 3 ounces of protein per meal. For proper splitting, visualize the size of your computer’s mouse or playing card deck.
  3. Gradually start lifting the weight. light Weightlifting Helps maintain muscle mass, increase metabolism and tension while losing weight.
  4. Start walking. A Walk fast For at least 30 minutes each day, it promotes metabolism and helps burn excess calories.
  5. Find stress relief options. Sometimes you want to spoil your sweet teeth, but often a hot bath or a walk around the block can help relieve stress as well.

Apobian wants at least Americans to learn the importance of tackling obesity.

“This brings the point that your weight changes in different environments, and it’s not your fault, because it’s a disease (obesity), and an obesity disease is a brain to hormones that control your appetite. The connection is dysfunctional and I feel full. “

“(Research) shows that having a lot of food around, not doing too much, or staying at home can make the illness worse. This is a matter of will. It tells the fact that there isn’t.


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