How Soup and Shake Diet Overcomes Diabetes: NHS Tests Extreme Dietary Plans With Only 850 Calories A Day
A radical diet plan for low-calorie soups and shakes not only helps us get rid of blood pressure pills, but also helps reverse diabetes.
The· NHS Is testing a rigorous diet of 850 calories per day that can be developed in the fight against diabetes.
It follows a groundbreaking medical study in which nearly one-third of patients shaking with soup reversed type 2 diabetes and remained diabetes-free two years later.
A researcher who is currently tracking 143 volunteers has shown in another study how a 12-week diet can significantly reduce blood pressure. Weight loss Reduce salt content.
Of the 69 patients who took off their blood pressure tablets before starting a diet change plan, two-thirds no longer needed medication at the end of it.
The NHS is testing a rigorous diet of 850 calories per day that can be developed in the fight against diabetes.Photo: Kathleen Blow before starting a diabetic reversal diet
Born in Prudhoe, Northumberland, Mrs. Blow (68), who lives with her husband David (72), started a soup and shake diet in 2016. Her diabetes. “It was the hardest thing to cook my husband’s meal,” she said.
Two years later, more than a quarter were still off the tablet.
Researchers are reluctant to see doctors recognize weight loss as an effective treatment for overweight people with high blood pressure and consider taking medications such as beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors. It states that there is. However, they conclude that the diet is safe and effective as long as the GP monitors blood pressure and reintroduces the drug if necessary.
Roy Taylor, a professor at Newcastle University, who co-authored the study, said: Not only is it safe, it is good for their health.
“Once significant weight loss was achieved and maintained, patients were shown to be able to effectively manage both blood pressure and type 2 diabetes without medication.”
The NHS announced a pilot in September, as some of the dramatic results of the diet for obese patients reduced their daily intake from 3,000 calories to 850 calories.
Doctors prescribe plans to 5,000 patients across the UK to tackle diabetes. Diabetes affects about 4 million British people, 90% of whom are type 2 diabetes.
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When Kathleen Blow realized she had high blood pressure, she feared she was on the same path as her father.
He had suffered from this condition for years before he had a heart attack in his 60s. He survived, but later died of cancer.
Mrs. Blow also has type 2 diabetes and wanted to make sure she was nearby to see her three grandchildren grow up.
A 68-year-old grandmother from Prudhoe, Northumberland, who lives with her husband David (72), started a soup and shake diet in 2016. Her diabetes. “It was the hardest thing to cook my husband’s meal,” she said.
Five years later, Mrs. Blow is not suffering from type 2 diabetes and is now taking much lower doses of blood pressure tablets.
Trials are taking place in areas such as South Yorkshire, Manchester, London, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire and Bedfordshire.
Professor Jonathan Valabhji, NHS’s National Clinical Director of Diabetes and Obesity, said: In remission for those who have been recently diagnosed.
In the latest study, patients were primarily removed from blood pressure tablets during their diet planning because of concerns that weight loss may cause dizziness when blood pressure drops.
Although the diet was aimed at tackling diabetes, researchers also wanted to see if it could help fight the national crisis of high blood pressure, also known as high blood pressure. This condition, which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, affects about 1 in 3 adults in the UK and 85% of people with type 2 diabetes.
As early as the first week, blood pressure dropped significantly among the 143 volunteers who planned soups and shakes for those who were not originally taking blood pressure medications.
For 69 people who took off their blood pressure or diuretic tablets, a major change began at week 9. No one saw a worrisome spike in blood pressure due to disengagement from the tablet. Twenty-three of the 69 had to resume blood pressure dosing during meals.
Previous studies have shown that people who lose weight may have better blood pressure control and may not need tablets.
However, the latest study published in the journal Diabetologia rarely monitors people’s ability to take them out of pills and prevent them from taking medication.
Professor Mike Lean of the University of Glasgow, co-author of the study, said:
“Physicians, like chemotherapy for cancer, need to make a lot of effort to support remission by weight loss.”
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