Here’s what scientists have learned from studying dangerous pathogens in a safe laboratory:
There is about 1,400 known human pathogens— Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helmhelm helm insects that can cause personal injury or death.But in a world 1 trillion individual microbial species, Scientists counted 1/1000 of 1%, How likely are researchers to have Discovered and characterized Everything that could threaten people?
There is little possibility. And there are many things that can be gained by getting to know these subtle enemies better.
Therefore, while it makes sense to avoid these dangerous microbes in everyday life, scientists like me I am motivated to study them up close and personally to learn how they work. Of course, we want to do it in the safest way possible.
I work at the Institute for Biological Containment and publish scientific papers on both bacteria and viruses, including influenza. And SARS-CoV-2 coronavirusHere at Oklahoma State University, 10 research groups are currently studying pathogens in BioSecure Labs. They identify genetic mutations in viruses and bacteria and study how they function in the cells of the host. Some researchers have elucidated how the host’s immune system responds to these invaders and is affected by obesity, diabetes, or the so-called comorbidity of old age. Others are investigating ways to detect and eliminate pathogens.
This type of research to understand how pathogens do harm is important for the health of humans and veterinary medicine, as well as mammals, birds, fish, plants, insects and other species around the world.
Advance warning is forearm
In the last century, all scientists have learned how to prevent disease based on understanding which microbes are caused, where they are in the environment, and how they overcome human natural defenses. Think about what you have learned.
Understanding what these microorganisms do, how they behave, and how they spread helps researchers develop means to detect, mitigate, and control their spread. The goal is to be able to cure or prevent the illnesses they cause. The more dangerous the pathogen, the more urgent the scientist needs to understand it.
This is where lab research comes into play.
Scientists have basic questions about how pathogens behave. What is the mechanism used to invade and replicate host cells? Which genes are activated to make which proteins? This type of information can help eliminate pathogens, treat diseases and vaccines. Can be used to identify strategies that lead to.
As the library of what is known about pathogens grows, researchers are more likely to be able to apply some of their knowledge when faced with new pathogens.
People can encounter new pathogens as they move to different parts of the world or change ecosystems. In some cases, pathogens adapt to new vectors (that is, they can be carried by another organism), spreading to new areas and infecting new populations. About 70% of emerging infectious diseases It infects humans through animals around the world. These are called zoonotic diseases. Understanding how these pathways work is also important for having a modest ability to predict what will happen.
There are patterns in nature that can provide clues, but the tremendous diversity of the microbial world and the speed at which these organisms evolve new strategies for their defense and survival study each of the organisms discovered. And understanding is essential.
Is this study safe to do?
There is no such thing as zero risk in any attempt, but for many years researchers have developed safe laboratory methods for dealing with dangerous pathogens.
Each survey should pre-document what, how, where, and who does it. These descriptions are reviewed by an independent committee and ensure that the plan outlines the safest way to work. There is independent follow-up by trained professionals in the facility to ensure that researchers comply with approved procedures and regulations, and in some cases the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Department of Agriculture, or There is follow-up by both.
Those who handle dangerous pathogens Stick to the two A set of principlesThere is biosafety, which refers to containment. This includes all engineering controls to keep scientists and their surroundings safe: a closed, ventilated workspace called a biosafety cabinet, directional airflow, and the movement of air in the lab. Waiting room to control. A special high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) cleans the air in and out of the laboratory.
We stick to good laboratory work practices and everyone wears personal protective equipment such as gowns, masks and gloves. Special respiratory protective equipment may be used to filter the air that breathes in the lab. In addition, it often inactivates the pathogen under study. That is, break it down so that it doesn’t work and work on one or several parts at a time.
Second, there is biosecurity, a measure designed to prevent the loss, theft, release, or misuse of pathogens. They include access control, inventory control, and certified methods for waste decontamination and disposal. Part of these security measures is to keep the details private.
Is Research community Recognize Four levels of biosafety practiceBiosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) and BSL-2 apply to common laboratory spaces with low or no risk. They do not act on microorganisms that pose a serious threat to humans and animals.
BSL-3 refers to laboratories with high individual risk but low community risk. This means that there are pathogens that can cause human illness, but are not transmitted from person to person, and the illness is easily treatable. This is the work that my colleagues and I, and many medical and veterinary schools do.
BSL-4 refers to the work of dealing with pathogens that are at high risk of serious illness in humans, animals, or both, are transmitted between individuals, and effective treatments may not be available. According to one estimate, BSL-4 labs are relatively rare. There are only about 50 in the world..
As risk increases at each level, more and more rigorous precautions are required to ensure employee safety and prevent accidental or malicious misuse.
What is at stake if science ignores these microbes?
In recent years, the world is paying attention Outbreak of serious illness It is caused by several types of pathogens. Many remain unknown, even pathogens known to scientists. It is natural to expect that there are other threats that have not yet been discovered.
It is important for scientists to study new diseases Pathogen In the lab to understand when they are discovered, and how they move from host to host and are affected by the conditions; what changes occur over time. What kind of effective management means can be developed? In addition to famous viruses such as rabies, West Nile virus, Ebola, Some very important pathogens It is in circulation in today’s world, which poses a serious threat. Hunter virus, Dengue fever, Zika virus And that Get rid of the virus Everything is being investigated in various laboratories, and researchers are working to better understand how they are transmitted, develop rapid diagnostics, and manufacture vaccines and treatments. I will.
Microorganisms are the most abundant life forms on earth and are very important for human health and animal and plant health. In general, people are accustomed to their existence and vice versa. For microorganisms that can do real harm, it makes sense for scientists to do as much research as possible now before the next pandemic occurs.
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Quote: Dangerous pathogens in a safe lab (June 10, 2021) obtained from on June 10, 2021 Here’s what scientists have learned from their research:
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