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Mayor Harrell Advances Legislation Establishing Shore Power Agreement with Port of Seattle for Pier 66

Mayor Harrell Advances Legislation Establishing Shore Power Agreement with Port of Seattle for Pier 66


Seattle will become one of the first cruise ports in the country to offer shore-side power at every berth, significantly reducing port-related air emissions in the Northwest.

SeattleMayor Harrell advanced legislation that would authorize Seattle City Light (City Light) to enter into a two-year MOA with the Port of Seattle (Port) to construct and provide shore power at Pier 66. Shore power will allow cruise ships to connect to the local power grid and turn off their diesel engines while docked. Nearly 25 percent of cruise ship emissions in the Puget Sound airshed occur while they are docked. On average, shore power would allow each connected ship to reduce its diesel emissions by 80 percent and its CO2 emissions by 66 percent, respectively, while docked. This legislation will be considered by the Seattle City Council today.

“With this advancement in shore power, we are supporting cleaner air, maritime electrification and a greener tourism industry,” Mayor Harrell said. “This agreement reinforces the City and Port’s shared mission to drive climate action and remain at the forefront of maritime innovation. I am proud that the Port and City are setting the standard for sustainable port operations that leads us toward a zero-emissions future.”

With this MOU and the electrification of Pier 66, Seattle would become one of the first cruise ports in the country to have multiple berths so that shore power is available at each berth. Power will be provided by an existing City Light power vault, a submersible cable connecting Terminal 46 to Pier 66, and other infrastructure. The construction agreement is supported by a $44 million investment in port infrastructure and a $3.5 million investment from the city’s Marine Transportation Electrification Program (MARTEP) to improve City Lights’ distribution system, including pipeline capacity to serve Washington State Ferries, King County Marine Division, Kitsap Transit, and the Port of Seattle. If approved by the Seattle City Council, the MOU also authorizes the city to execute a thirty-year operating agreement between City Light and the Port of Seattle.

The Port of Seattle's partnership with Seattle City Light and the City of Seattle to add shore power to the Bell Harbor Cruise Terminal at Pier 66 is critical to achieving the Port's goals of a zero-carbon future, said Port of Seattle Commissioner Fred Felleman. Once operational this cruise season, Pier 66’s shore power will allow cruise ships to switch from using their engines to low-carbon electricity from City Lights, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 4,500 tons per year. This, along with the Seattle Port Commission’s recent order to mandate the use of shore power by all homeported ships starting in 2027, will allow us to continue to balance the economic benefits of tourism to the region while protecting the environment around us.

The Pier 66 shore power project is the latest in a series of electrification efforts by the city and port to create the greenest port in North America by phasing out seaport emissions by 2050. The electrification of Pier 66 required the installation of a one-mile undersea cable under Elliott Bay from Terminal 46 to Bell Street Cruise Terminal at Pier 66 in January 2024The completion of the Pier 66 project is an important milestone in achieving the goal Strategy for clean air in the North West ports goal of electrifying all of Seattle's cruise berths six years ahead of schedule, originally planned for 2030. Additionally, the Pier 66 Shore Power project and MOA are advancing the Clean Energy Strategy for Seattle's Waterfronta joint effort between the Port, City Light and Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) to eliminate emissions from Seattle's waterfront and transition the local maritime industry from fossil fuels to clean, reliable energy.

What people say

Dawn Lindell, Executive Director and CEO of Seattle City Light

“We are proud to partner with the Port of Seattle to make shoreside electrical connections a reality for Seattle’s growing cruise industry,” said Dawn Lindell, Seattle City Light’s executive director and CEO. “Electrifying Pier 66 delivers on City Lights’ strategic vision to create a clean energy future for the region. By connecting ships to our clean, carbon-neutral energy, we are reducing harmful diesel emissions and improving air quality for people who visit, work and live in Seattle.”

City Councilor Tanya Woo, President of the Advicem Sustainable Development, City Lights, Arts and Culture Committee

“Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality are critical steps in our fight against climate change. I commend Seattle City Light and the Port of Seattle for their collaboration on this ambitious project. Installing shore-side electrical connections on cruise ships at Pier 66 will have a lasting impact on our region and contribute greatly to the city’s overall transportation electrification strategy.”

Rich Austin Jr., President of ILWU Local 19

Shore power is the future, and we applaud the City of Seattle and the Port of Seattle for leading the nation on this issue.not eliminating emissions from seaports. This effort is an important step in the right direction to improve the health and safety of our many maritime workers.. Cleaner air means healthier working conditions and a better quality of life for everyone in our community. who work, shop and visit the waterfront.




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