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China maintains strong demand for beans in Canada | Instant news


American producers say they plan to cut the hectares this year, but the same decision is expected to be taken north of the border

You don’t expect Canadian peanut growers to follow what their American peers do this spring, said an analyst and industry official.

The farmers told the US National Agricultural Statistics Agency (NASS) that they would grow 971,000 hectares of crops, a 12 percent drop from last year.

There are different dynamics north of the border, where farmers are better able to cope with the storms caused by India’s withdrawal from the pulse market, said Chuck Piner, an analyst at LeftField Commodity Research.

China has provided Canadian farmers with an active alternative market for their crops despite a slowdown in market demand for peas due to African swine fever.

“The request is still very strong,” he said.

we. They do not have alternative outlets for yellow beans.

“Prices in the US are lagging behind in Canada, so it is not surprising that farmers there are more frustrated with peas growing this year,” said Benner.

It is not an equivalent playing field in China, said Jeff Van Bevinage, president of Columbia Green International, one of the largest pulse processors in the United States.

American exporters face pea shipping rates 25 percent higher on the market than their Canadian counterparts, and the difference doesn’t change with the recently signed US-China trade agreement.

This is why an acre of yellow beans will drop in the United States, although the decline may be slightly smaller than the 12 percent estimated by NASS.

Contrary to popular belief, the United States grows more than yellow peas than green peas. Usually about 70-30 splits, but this year it could be closer to 60-40.

Van Bevinage said that the increase in mung beans in Canada and the United States is likely to keep prices higher than 2019-20.

The agency “NAS” estimated the number of 474 thousand hectares of American lentils, a decrease of two percent from the previous year, but with the rise in farmers’ prices by about $ 100 per ton last week, it is believed that there will be more lentils on the land.

He did not expect the same price reaction to peas, with low ratings for the region.

Penner believes that Canadian peas will amount to about 4.33 million hectares.

Exports were strong during the first seven months of 2019-20, according to Statistics Canada.

Canada sent 2.24 million tons of peas during that period, up 22% from the same period last year. China contributed 1.41 million tons of business.

Van Bevinage agrees with Penner that the Canadian pea region is likely to remain flat with more vegetables and less yellow.

He expected the global peanut stock to shrink in 2020-21, but the market will not be “too tight.”

It seems that India will harvest large bean plants and there will be no market in yellow peas again.

There were many peas in North America that entered India via Nepal last year, but the door was closed.

Van Bevinage believes that the price of beans has reached the lowest point in the United States and is preparing for a recovery as farmers use the stock that has accumulated over the past three years.

He said: “This is not a bullish missile, but it will be stronger, especially in high-quality and high-quality products because it will be tougher this year.”

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