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Tributes pour in after news of the sudden death of longtime popular ABC presenter Russell Woolf


Longtime ABC presenter Russell Woolf had open arms, open hearts, and most often sported a broad smile on his face and flip flops on his feet.

He was a dear friend to many, and many others who spent a lot of time with Russell considered him a friend.

He was exactly that kind of man.

It’s easy to unwrap the clichés thinking of Russell: “Larger than life”, “Agreat dude” and “Awicked sense of humor” and all of them are true.

ABC Radio Perth local manager Sarah Knight described himasa as a cherished member of the team.

A tight head and shoulder photo of a smiling Russell Woolf wearing a plaid shirt in a radio studio.
Russell Woolf was popular behind the microphone.(Provided: ABC Perth)

She said ABC staff were in shock.

“Staff meetings were always a lot more fun when Russell was around.

“It was all about love, this man.”

Known to many as Rusty, his ABC career spanned two decades, presenting shows across Western Australia and doing the weather forecast on ABC TV News for several years.

He is remembered as a kind, selfless man with a great sense of humor.

Early in his career he was a resource reporter for ABC Rural and a regular at Diggers & Dealers in Kalgoorlie.

Wide shot of radio presenter Russell Woolf on show outside, seated with headphones.
ABC’s Sarah Knight said staff were in shock over Russell’s sudden death.(ABC Perth: Sarah Knight)

Russell then featured Afternoons with Verity James on ABC Radio before taking Drive for several years.

Former ABC colleague Tom Baddeley described him as cheeky and someone who could recover well when things went wrong on air.

“If something technically went wrong you didn’t have to worry about it because he was brilliant at improvising and making fun of himself more than anyone.”

Russell Woolf is having fun with two of his ABC colleagues.
Russell was a popular member of the ABC team.(ABC News)

Former ABC colleague Liam Bartlett has spoken about him on 6PR.

“I wanted to say how sorry we are here at 6PR to learn of the sudden and unexpected passing of a good friend and colleague at ABC’s Russell Woolf,” he said.

When in 2006 the ABC staff in Perth were devastated by the loss of highly regarded sports commentator Wally Foreman, Russell was asked to make the radio announcement.

Russell did it and did it with grace.

Wally would have liked it.

Russell and Nadia are having fun in the ABC Perth studio.
Russell Woolf and Nadia Mitsopoulos have fun in the ABC Perth studio.(ABC News)

Despite Russell’s affability in person and on air, he has retained a strong awareness of the undercurrents of daily news and events. And the history of WA.

He once introduced Queen Elizabeth II in Perth, and behind his engaging manners, he was also known to ask an unexpected question on the air, throwing off the talent.

After leaving ABC Radio for a while, Russell became MC at various public and private events, often arriving at the right time on his trusty moped (sometimes in flip-flops).

Russell Woolf sitting inside holding an open children's book and laughing.
Russell Woolf has promoted many good causes.(ABC Perth: Sarah Knight)

And they weren’t always paid concerts. Russell was known to be generous with his time, most notably as an auctioneer at Huntington WA quiz nights.

In 2014, Russell ran for the Senate, taking the front line along with his former colleague Verity James in one of many campaigns to save the ABC.

He moved to live with his family in Minneapolis after his wife landed a job in the United States and, among other things, tried his hand at acting.

Russell Woolf and Colin Barnett smiling.
Russell was in contact with people from all walks of life.(ABC News)

Russell Woolf returned to ABC in 2019, resurrecting his radio career and comforting fans who had missed him on the air.

He eventually became the solo breakfast host, a role he might have hated on his early debut, but it clearly worked for him and the listeners.

Russell Woolf “made our lives better”

Premier Mark McGowan paid tribute.

Russell Woolf was 56 years old and is survived by his wife Kylie, daughter Bronte and countless friends.




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