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How did Joey Morgan die? “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” actor was 28


Actor Joey Morgan, best known for his role in “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse”, died at the age of 28 on Sunday, November 21. No cause of death has yet been confirmed. A statement from his representative read: “Joey Morgan passed away early Sunday morning. It was a shock and devastated all of us who loved him. He will be sorely missed. We hope everyone understands how painful it is for him. loved ones and can respect boundaries and allow them to grieve in private. Filmmaker Christopher Landon, who wrote and directed Morgan’s feature debut “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse,” has confirmed the actor’s tragic death on Twitter.

“Joey Morgan came into my life almost 9 years ago when I did Boy Scouts. He was calm, funny, smart and thoughtful. And when the cameras rolled he was magnetic. He passed away today and the news is heartbreaking. I am honored to have known him, “wrote Christopher Landon, sharing a behind-the-scenes photo with Morgan and other co-stars on the set of” Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse. “


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Social networks pay tribute

Social mourned Morgan’s tragic death, with tributes pouring in on Twitter. “Rest in peace joey morgan scouts always guides my favorite movie of all time, everyone dies,” one user wrote on Twitter, while another wrote: “really stomachache typing this. Rests in peace. in peace joey morgan: (The Boy Scout Guide is a huge heartwarming movie for me, you were amazing. “” Crushed to hear the news of Joey Morgans passing. Flower is one of my favorite indie movies and performance phenomenal impacted me immensely. such a cruel world. rest in peace, Joey, “another user wrote.

“RIP TO THIS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS ACTOR JOEY MORGAN WHO IS 28,” wrote one user. “Fentanyl or #ClotShot Young people fall dead like pouring rain falling Joey Morgan dies at just 28,” one user wrote, while another wrote: “#RIPJoeyMorgan YOUNG STAR GONE! Joey Morgan dead: Scouts Guide to Zombie Apocalypse actor dies at age 28 “.

Morgan starred in the action comedy “Compadres” in 2016, before appearing in Max Winklers’ 2017 indie comedy “Flower”. His last role was in the 2020s’ Max Reload and the Nether Blasters’. He is also appeared in the Netflix series “Sierra Burgess is a Loser” in 2018. Among those paying tribute to Morgan was her “Flower” teammate Zoey Deutch, who shared a photo of herself and Morgan on Instagram with the caption: “Rest in peace Joey. A deeply kind, talented and special person. We love you. “




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