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12 Bollywood stars who are the highest ratepayers in the industry –


Money and success don't change people. They simply amplify what already exists. Will smith

From there, the money and success of these superstars have amplified their hard work, dedication and passion for their profession.

We all know that with huge income, there is a huge income tax. This list of Bollywood's highest taxpayers shows that we are constantly growing. There is always more to do, more to achieve.

But of course, some of us, no matter how hard we work and how successful we can be in our respective fields, will never be rich enough to pay the kind of taxes these people make ! Prepare yourselves

Amitabh Bachchan

The angry young Bollywood man is an icon and role model for many of us. Even at this age, while struggling with health issues, he remains passionate about his work and continues to give stellar performance after another. The Bollywood Shehenshah paid Rs 70 crore as tax for the 2018-19 fiscal year. He emerged as the highest taxpayer of the year for the film fraternity. Bachchan left Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan in the race to pay the highest tax.

Salman khan

Very clean Bollywood can no longer produce blockbusters, but continues to seduce us all with its charm and spirit. He is one of the highest taxpayers in Bollywood. Salman paid around 44 crores in taxes, according to the data.

Akshay Kumar

Man has aged like good wine; the older the better. No surprise that he is finally appreciated for his talent.In 2016-2017, he would have paid Rs.29 crore as taxes to the government.

Shah Rukh Khan

The success of the King Khans is truly unmatched. He may not always have the best acting skills, but the passion he has for his work consumes us all sitting in the audience. A film can only become a blockbusterwell because it stars Shahrukh Khan. In 2016-2017, he had paid about 22 crores in income tax.

Aamir Khan

He is known for his perfectionism. During his long career, he has never given anything less than 100% and this alone makes him one of the most successful players in the industry. She had paid 14 crores in taxes for the 2016-17 fiscal year.

Hrithik roshan

Hrithik Roshan occupies a name in the list by paying Rs 25.5 crores as withholding tax for the year 2016-17; in 2015-2016, he paid Rs 14 crores, which means a year of growth of 74%.

Kapil Sharma

Rs.23 crore as tax is what our most beloved comedian pays as income tax. Kapil has also been recognized by Forbes as one of the highest paid celebrities.

Ranbir Kapoor

Who doesn't drool over the versatile chocolate boy. With all of his business, no absurd approach to work, he has consistently climbed the ladder of success. And here he is, among the best taxpayers in Bollywood. In 2016-2017, he paid the government a crore tax of 16 rupees.

Karan Johar

Woaah! There is a 47.3% growth in Karans' income; in 2015-16, he paid Rs 2 crores, but in 2016-17, he paid Rs 11.7 crores.

Deepika Padukone

Deepika made her Hollywood debut with XXX: Return of Xander Cage and, therefore, a boost was but obvious; a growth of 13% is observed compared to the previous year. In 2015-2016, she paid Rs 9 crores, while in 2016-17, she paid Rs 10.25 crores.

Alia Bhatt

Alia Bhatt, who is becoming very popular in B-Town, posted huge growth of 46%. In 2015-16, she paid Rs 2.9 crores while in 2016-17, she paid Rs 5 crores.

Kareena Kapoor Khan

Thisbegumhailing of Kapoorkhandanhas has rightly earned a place among the highest paying stars in Bollywood. Not only did she act in her blood, but she is also married to one of the Khans. Heard that success breeds success? She would have paid around Rs. 4 Crore as tax.


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