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Lawson resigns at Woodbine

Lawson resigns at Woodbine


Jim Lawson | Michel Burne

Jim Lawson will step down as CEO of Woodbine Entertainment this fall, the company announced Tuesday. Lawson has held the position since 2015.

“Being CEO of Woodbine Entertainment has been a great honor and passion for me,” Lawson said. “On a personal level, I have truly enjoyed my time leading the organization and am very grateful to the incredible people I have had the honor of working with, but now is the time to spend more time with my family.

“Professionalally, during my time at Woodbine, we have grown into a multi-faceted organization, having expanded our reach and reputation as the world leader in dual-breed horse racing, while working meticulously and respectfully to generate new revenue. who will continue to support Ontario’s horse racing industry for decades to come. I am confident that Woodbine Entertainment is on the path to a very strong and sustainable future.

Hugh Mitchell, Chairman of the Board of Woodbine Entertainment, praised Lawson for his stewardship.

“On behalf of our Board of Directors, I would like to thank Jim for his strong, unwavering and impactful leadership of Woodbine Entertainment and the Ontario horse racing industry over the past 15 years,” said Mitchell. “Jim’s passion for the horse racing industry and admiration for hard workers has been a hallmark of his tenure as CEO. Jim has made lasting contributions that will undoubtedly benefit the organization and the industry for decades to come. We also look forward to identifying ways for the board and the next CEO to continue to benefit from his experience and passion in the future.

“In terms of Woodbine’s next leader, the Board Succession Committee is working diligently and is confident that we will be successful in finding the next CEO who will continue to build on our positive momentum.”

Lawson is expected to be partnered with Woodbine in a senior role to be determined at a later date.

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This story was published in Top News and tagged Hugh Mitchell, Jim Lawson, Ontario Horse Racing, Woodbine Entertainment.




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