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Purbayan Chatterjee says Bollywood music continues to find inspiration in classical melodies

Purbayan Chatterjee says Bollywood music continues to find inspiration in classical melodies


MirchiMirchi Updated: 23 hours ago
Purbayan Chatterjee says:

Purbayan Chatterjeea sitar master, will perform in Pune with Padmashri Vijay Ghate, table player. Pune is one of the cities in India considered a place of pilgrimage for Indian classical musicians, says Chaterjee, adding how exciting and daunting it is to perform in the city. After a long absence, the musician gives a solo concert in the city. What is most amazing about Pune is that perhaps every Rasika sitting in the audience is aware of the structure of raga, tala, etc. For me, the most exciting thing since the days when I first performed at the Sawai Gandharva Festival has been the warmth with which the audience receives every minute of your playing. facets of your game, which often get lost otherwise, he says.

One of the attractions of the event, which will take place tomorrow at the Zapurza Museum of Art and Culture in Pune, is his jugalbandi with Ghate. The most amazing thing about playing with Mr Vijay is that things are always completely in the moment. I feel free to express myself with the greatest spontaneity. I also plan to feature a few rare bandish in ragas that are perhaps heard a little less often, he clarifies.

Since the age of six, Chatterjee, native of Calcutta played music. Music has been an integral part of my life since I was a child, he says. The pandemic left him quarantined in his house, like the others. It was only then that I realized the value of expressing myself musically. Music is almost a determining factor in my existence, he mentions.

The musician has won several prestigious accolades, including the President of India’s Award for being the country’s best instrumentalist at the age of 15. He admits that receiving praise gives a sense of accomplishment. A musician’s journey is always long and arduous, full of ups and downs. Recognition is eagerly awaited and therefore accolades certainly bring a sense of accomplishment and encouragement to work harder. However, that being said, as the years pass you begin to detach more and more from the results and focus more on the journey itself. Personally, I think failure is what makes you, and success is only incidental, he says.

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