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“Marquise Brown Fuels Super Bowl Hopes”.

“Marquise Brown Fuels Super Bowl Hopes”.


Chiefs Kingdom can finally breathe a huge sigh of relief after Brett Veach and the Kansas City Chiefs added a high-profile wide receiver to the team. Throughout the 2023 season, the Chiefs' glaring problem was the wide receiving corps. Dropouts and inconsistent play from the position group led to one of the strangest seasons from a Patrick Mahomes-led offense. The addition of Marquise “Hollywood” Brown will add an instant weapon to Andy Reid's dynamic offense.

Brown was drafted in the first round of the 2019 NFL Draft by the Baltimore Ravens with the 25th overall pick. Coming out of the draft, his speed and body type compared him to Desean Jackson, who made a career out of taking over defenses, and Brown did just that in the NFL.

Brown immediately made an impact on the Ravens as a three-year starter, and his best season to date came in 2021, when he caught 91 passes for 1,008 yards and 6 touchdowns. After the 2021 campaign, Brown was traded to the Arizona Cardinals. Brown was still effective, but the quarterback's unreliable play led to a significant decline in production. In 2023, Brown has 51 catches for 574 yards and 4 touchdowns with the Arizona Cardinals.

Last week, it was announced that Brown would be joining the Chiefs on a one-year deal worth up to $11 million. Brown will be thrust into the starting lineup and should help return the Chiefs offense to the high-flying version we saw early in the Mahomes era. I believe Brown can fill the void left by All-Pro wide receiver Tyreek Hill. Brown may not have the ball-tracking skills that made Hill such a dynamic route runner, but he has the game-changing speed the Chiefs have been looking for since Hill left.

Brown didn't run the 40-yard dash at the NFL Combine during his own pre-draft preparation, but he did run it at his Oklahoma Pro Day, where he recorded a blistering time of 4.27 seconds. This is significant because it was faster than the time of 4.29 seconds Hill recorded in his Combine appearance. I'm not saying Brown will replace Hill, but I think he will be used similarly to Hill during his time in Kansas City. I think the top spot will still belong to rookie sensation Rashee Rice, but the second spot will be taken by Brown, who will primarily be used in the middle and deep routes.

The ability to effectively spread the field and open up the offense for Kelce and Rice will immediately improve the offense, which in 2023 relied on short passes and yards after the catch to succeed.

Like I said, I believe Brown will be the number two receiver behind Rashee Rice who had a very good rookie campaign for the Chiefs, recording 79 receptions for 938 yards and 7 touchdowns. In 2023, Patrick Mahomes has thrown the ball 597 times, which means there's a lot of love in the Chiefs offense.

That said, I believe a conservative prediction for Brown in his first year as head is 63 receptions for 729 yards and 6 touchdowns. When I look at Brown's stats over his career, it's consistent with the exception of the 2021 season, which currently appears to be an outlier. However, this proves that Brown has the potential to play a game-changing role.

I believe these numbers will increase in 2024 due to the high number of football throws by the Chiefs. If Brown can create those deep threat opportunities for Mahomes that he showed for the Cardinals and Ravens, the Chiefs could be on track to becoming the first-ever three-peat Super Bowl champions.




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