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Bollywood Roundup: Rekha, Kajol, Priyanka Chopra and more…

Bollywood Roundup: Rekha, Kajol, Priyanka Chopra and more…


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Rekha blesses her mother-to-be Richa Chadha and kisses her baby bump

Mumbai– Veteran actress Rekha blessed mother-to-be Richa Chadha and was seen kissing her blossoming baby bump.

Rekha attended the premiere of the upcoming series 'Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar'.

A clip features the iconic actress engaging in conversation with Richa, who will be seen on Sanjay Leela Bhansalis' show.

Rekha then leans in and gives a sweet little kiss to Richa's baby bump.

'Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar' is a period drama by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, marking his debut in the world of web.

It also stars Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Sanjeeda Sheikh and Sharmin Segal.

The series depicts the lives of tawaifs in the red-light district of Heera Mandi in Lahore during the Indian independence movement against the British Raj.

Kajol Shares Hilarious Glimpse From Her Workout, Asks If It's Before Or After

Mumbai– Kajol shared a hilarious glimpse of her workout during her Pilates classes and asked everyone if the photo was taken before or after her exercise.

Kajol took to Instagram and posted a fun photo from her Pilates class.

In the photo, the actress is seen lying on the Pilates machine, wearing sportswear and sunglasses.

Since everyone wants to know what my workouts look like, here's a photo Ab batao yeh workout ke pehle ka hai ya baad main, she wrote in the caption.

On the work front, Kajol, who was last seen in 'Lust Stories 2' and 'The Trial', will soon be seen in 'Do Patti', alongside Kriti Sanon and Shaheer Sheikh.

Directed by Shashanka Chaturvedi, the mystery thriller tells a gripping story set in the hills of North India.

Priyanka Plays With Daughter Malti On Set, Says It Brings Your Baby To Work

Mumbai– Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas shared a series of pictures showing her daughter, Malti Marie, and herself on the sets of her upcoming project 'Heads of State'.

The actress took to her Instagram stories and shared two photos, showcasing both motherhood and professionalism.

In the first photo, Priyanka is seen laughing as little Malti sits on her lap, with other crew members visible around them.

The actress captioned the image: “Bring your baby to work.”

Another image featured Priyanka playing with her daughter, accompanied by love and an emotional emoji.

Priyanka is currently filming 'Heads of State' in Nice, France.

The film also stars Idris Elba and John Cena. It is an action-comedy film directed by Ilya Naishuller.

Nimrat Kaur talks about the only good side of shooting at night: the sunrise

Mumbai– Actress Nimrat Kaur, who is currently shooting for her next project, has shared what is “the only good side of night shoots”.

Nimrat, who is shooting in Madh Island in Mumbai, took to her Instagram stories and shared a picture of the blue water and the rising sun.

The actress captioned it: “The only good thing about night shoots. »

The actress has not revealed details about her shoot in Madh Island.

On the work front, Nimrat was last seen on screen in 'Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video' directed by Mikhil Musale. It also stars Radhika Madan, Bhagyashree and Subodh Bhave.

The 42-year-old actress will next be seen sharing screen space with megastar Amitabh Bachchan in the upcoming courtroom drama film 'Section 84' directed by Ribhu Dasgupta.

Samantha: I didn't have a luxurious childhood, so success was my goal

Mumbai– Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu has opened up about how success was her goal since childhood as she did not have a luxurious upbringing.

Samantha discussed this topic on her podcast 'Take 20', where she aims to help people by sharing her experiences, helping them identify, understand and seek help when needed.

In one episode, Samantha explored the human body's fight-or-flight response in certain situations alongside wellness coach and nutritionist Alkesh Sharotri.

“I used to believe that exhaustion and the need for rest were signs of weakness. I prided myself on being a hustler, thriving on just six hours of sleep and being exceptionally productive throughout the day,” said the actress, who was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called myositis.

“Even though I felt exhausted, I refused to acknowledge it, working tirelessly and continuously for 13 years. »

The actress added: “Growing up, I didn't have a luxurious childhood, so success was my goal from a young age. I have always felt intense pressure to succeed in life. Constantly fed the idea that I wasn't good enough, so it became an intense motivation for me to succeed at all costs.

Samantha, who captivated the nation with her sizzling performance in the song “Oo Antava” from “Pushpa: The Rise”, said people often perceive “acting as glamorous, which is true, but it doesn't 'is not all reality'.

“It's a lot of work and pressure, especially when you're constantly in the spotlight and judged. I started in this industry when I was only 22 or 23, and some girls start even younger. We don't come into this knowing everything; we let others dictate and define us, she said.

Reflecting on her own journey, Samantha said: “I let others define me since I was a child, creating a pattern in which I worked tirelessly to please and seek the approval of others. Eventually, my own thoughts, feelings, and desires became insignificant.

Fears arose once she succeeded.

When I succeeded, I was afraid of losing it and immediately looked for the next big thing. So, I think I've been in fight or flight mode throughout my career,” she explained.

Samantha will soon be seen in the lead role opposite Varun Dhawan in the OTT series 'Citadel: Honey Bunny'. (IANS)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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