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UK military personal data hacked in Ministry of Defense breach | hacking

UK military personal data hacked in Ministry of Defense breach |  hacking


The Ministry of Defense suffered a serious data breach and British soldiers' personal information was hacked.

A third-party payroll system used by the Department of Defense containing the names and banking information of current and former military members was targeted in the attack. A very small number of addresses may also have been accessed.

The department took immediate action to take the external network operated by the contractor offline.

An initial investigation found no evidence that data had been deleted, according to the BBC and Sky, which first reported the story. The Guardian reports that MPs are expected to debate the issue in the House of Commons on Tuesday, with Defense Secretary Grant Shapps expected to make a statement in the afternoon.

Ministers will blame hostile and malicious actors but will not reveal the country behind the hack.

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All salaries were paid on the last payday, and although there may be some delay in payment in some cases, it is expected that there will be no problems with the next salary at the end of this month.

John Healey, the shadow defense secretary, said: There are too many serious questions for the Defense Secretary on this matter, particularly from military personnel whose details have been targeted.

Such hostile behavior is completely unacceptable.

The Department of Defense first discovered the attack a few days ago and has been working to understand its scale and impact ever since. In March, Britain and the United States accused China of conducting malicious cyberattacks around the world in an unprecedented joint operation to expose Chinese espionage activities.

Britain has accused China of being behind an online reconnaissance campaign that targeted the 2021 Election Commission watchdog and targeted the email accounts of lawmakers and their colleagues.

In response to the hacking of the Beijing-linked Election Commission and 43 individuals, the front company Wuhan Xiaoruizhi Science and Technology Company and two individuals linked to the APT31 hacking group were sanctioned.

But some lawmakers targeted by the Chinese government say the response is not enough and have urged the government to harden its stance by labeling China a threat to national security rather than a groundbreaking challenge.

Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith repeated the call in an interview with Sky News. This is another example of why the UK Government must acknowledge that China poses a systemic threat to the UK and change the Integrated Review to reflect this.

No more pretense. It is a malicious actor that supports Russia with money and military equipment and collaborates with Iran and North Korea in a new axis of the totalitarian state.

The Guardian has contacted the MoD for comment.




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