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DCU Boss James Gunn Acknowledges Reverse-Flash Actor's 'Hilarious' Return Request

DCU Boss James Gunn Acknowledges Reverse-Flash Actor's 'Hilarious' Return Request


The Flash Star Tom Cavanagh addressed a potential return as the Reverse flash In James Gunns DC Universe, which, in turn, prompted a response from the head of DC Studios.

The actor, who played Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash as well as several versions of Harrison Wells over the nine seasons of The CW's The Flash, recently attended Toronto Comicon. During the Q&A portion of the panel, Cavanagh was asked if he would be interested in returning as Reverse-Flash in the DCU.

Yes, James Gunn, James, where are you? James, I'm here, pretty solidly built. . . always athletic, he replied. You know, not the youngest cat, but pretty good, pretty quick on its feet. . . can move very well. I'd love to work for you, Gunn. I hear all this on social media about Grant Gustin, come on, he has a job. He finished his answer by briefly getting back into character to say Reverse-Flash.

Check out Cavanaghs' response below X (formerly Twitter) job:

James Gunn responds to Tom Cavanagh's request

After the video was shared online, a DC fan asked Gunn on the social media platform Threads if he had ever seen Cavanagh's request. The DC Studios boss first responded with the crying and laughing emoji before offering additional thoughts on the request after his emoji response was misinterpreted by some of the fandom.

Anyone responding to this thinking I'm laughing at Tom obviously hasn't watched the clip, Gunn clarified on Threads (via Twitter). He's hilarious. I recognize him.

While it's possible that Gunn could cast Cavanagh as the DCU's Reverse-Flash, the upcoming shared universe has so far only brought back actors from the DC Extended Universe, such as Viola Davis in as Amanda Waller and John Cena as Peacemaker. Gunn has also repeatedly indicated that the majority of roles in the DCU will be recast, and that none of the DCEU's Justice League actors are expected to return. However, while it probably won't be like The Flash, Gunn recently shared that he would like to work with Arrowverse alum Grant Gustin on a future project.

What's next for the Scarlet Speedster?

While The Flash was a major player in the DCEU, the Scarlet Speedster was noticeably absent from the DCU's initial lineup of films and TV series, which was revealed in January 2023. As the Ezra Miller-led The Flash was not still out in theaters, it's believed that Gunn waited to reveal the DCU's plans for the superhero until after the film opened. Unfortunately, The Flash failed at the box office, losing out to Warner Bros. approximately $200 million. As of this writing, Gunn has yet to announce what he plans to do with The Flash or what version of the speedster he plans to use in the DCU.

All nine seasons of The Flash are available to stream on Netflix.




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