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10 Best Bollywood Movies on Netflix

10 Best Bollywood Movies on Netflix


Kal Ho Na Ho

Netflix is ​​known for its diverse media library as it ensures that content from all over the world is offered to the audience. Western audiences began to embrace cinema and television from other parts of the world, and Bollywood was one of the major benefactors.

For the sake of clarity, Bollywood is part of Indian cinema, but not all Indian cinema is Bollywood. All Bollywood films have Hindi as their main language, and this is what differentiates them from other Indian films. Bollywood is one of the largest film industries in the world, and the release of hundreds of films every year backs up this statement.

In this article, we are going to list 10 amazing Bollywood movies that you can enjoy while relaxing on your couch!

1. Barfi (2012)

Ranbir Kapoor in Barfi
(UTV Motion Pictures)

Borrowing elements from Charlie Chaplin's films, Anurag Basu's 2012 film tells the story of a deaf, non-verbal man residing in a small Indian town. The main character, Barfi, is played by Ranbir Kapoor, who presents an incredible blend of wit, charm and melancholy. Priyanka Chopra-Jonas plays his lover, a rich autistic heiress. The pair's performances and the film's cinematography make for a compelling watch.

2. Jodhaa Akbar (2008)

Hrithik Roshan in Jodhaa Akbar
(UTV Motion Pictures)

Set at a time when India was under the rule of Mughal emperor Akbar, the film chronicles the obstacles faced by a royal couple following an inter-religious marriage for political reasons. Ashutosh Gowarikar's film stars Hrithik Roshan as Akbar and Aishwarya Rai as Jodhaa Bai, and few Bollywood films can claim to have such exquisite chemistry between the leads.

3. Gift 2 (2011)

Shah Rukh Khan in Don 2
(Red Chili Pepper Entertainment)

The second part of the popular Put on franchise, Gift 2 is a cut above its predecessor in terms of production quality and action choreography. Shah Rukh Khan is at his best as Don, a ruthless gangster who plans to take over the European drug cartel. Priyanka Chopra-Jonas plays the female lead, Roma, whose job as an Interpol agent is to foil Don's plans and catch him.

4. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. (2001)

Sometimes happy, sometimes sad.
(Yash Raj Films)

An iconic Bollywood film, this Karan Johar-directed film features a cast of heavy hitters: Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Hritik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor Khan. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. is a family drama that spans decades and explores themes of love and separation. The central plot point is a son who brings a home together after family members have been separated for years. The film is full of overwhelming emotional scenes, so be sure to keep a box of tissues on the side while you watch it!

5. Haider (2014)

Shahid Kapoor in Haider
(UTV Motion Pictures)

Based on Shakespeare's Hamlet, Vishal Bhardwaj Haider is based on the sensitive Kashmir conflict. The film follows Shahid Kapoor's character as his search for his father ends up entangling him in the political cesspool of the state. The film received excellent reception from those who noted and appreciated its political commentary, cinematography and music.

6. Guru (2007)

Guru (2007)
(Reliance Entertainment)

A Mani Ratnam director, Guru chronicles the rise of an ordinary man from a small Indian town and how he rose to become one of the country's richest businessmen. Abhishek Bachchan plays the title character, with Miss World 1994 winner Aishwarya Rai Bachchan playing the female lead. Guru was well received by both audiences and critics, as it ended up quadrupling its budget.

7. PK (2014)

(UTV Motion Pictures)

PK is a one-of-a-kind Bollywood film, as the industry rarely sees releases in the sci-fi genre. It follows the story of an alien who ends up in India, and how he reacts and acclimates to the culture and events of the nations that shape the plot. Aamir Khan plays the alien, while Anushka Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput and Boman Irani have supporting roles.

8. Above the earth (2007)

Tare Zameen By
(PVR Images)

Exploring the life of an underachieving 8-year-old schoolboy, Above the earth is now considered a revolutionary film because of its subject matter. Aamir Khan gives the performance of his life as a teacher who identifies dyslexia in one of his students and helps him develop his talent for painting. A real tearjerker, TAare Zameen By is a modern masterpiece that deserves to be seen.

9. Gangubai Kathiawadi (2022)

Gangubai Kathiawadi
(Pen Marudhar Entertainment)

Films with feminist connotations are rare in Bollywood, which makes them Gangubai Kathiawadi a film you won't want to miss. The cast is led by Alia Bhatt, who plays the indomitable title character with charisma and defiance. Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali is known for his deft use of color palettes, and this is on full display in this two hour and thirty minute biopic.

ten. Kal Ho Na Ho (2003)

Shah Rukh Khan in Kal Ho Na Ho
(Dharma Productions)

Kal Ho Na Ho is an irresistible cocktail of dramatic, comedic and musical clips filmed against picturesque backdrops. Starring an ensemble including Bollywood heartthrob Shah Rukh Khan, as well as Preity Zinta and Saif Ali Khan, the film tells the story of three non-resident Indians as they embark on a story of love, friendship and sorrow.

(Featured image: Dharma Productions)

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