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Rebel Wilson names the actor she lost her virginity to at age 35

Rebel Wilson names the actor she lost her virginity to at age 35


Rebel Wilson names the actor she lost her virginity to at age 35

Featured image credit: Stéphane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images / Rich Fury/VF22/Getty Images for Vanity Fair

Rebel Wilson revealed all in her new book, Rebel Rising

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Unless you've been living under a rock for the last week, you'll know that Rebel Wilson has been making headlines and awful plot.

The 44-year-old made shocking claims about how Sacha Baron Cohen apparently “humiliated” her on set, which Cohen strongly denied.

Wilson highly anticipated book, The rise of the rebels, is finally out in the wild and it certainly has no shortage of stories.

THE Perfect pitch The star has opened up about losing her virginity in her 30s and has now revealed the name of the actor she did it with.

In a previous interview with People, Wilson opened up about her experience having sex for the first time.

Rebel Wilson's book is out in the wild.

Chris Hyde/Getty Images for AFI

The actor told the outlet that you shouldn't “feel pressure” to lose your virginity.

“Not everyone has to lose their virginity as a teenager. People can wait until they're ready or wait until they're a little more mature,” she said.

“And I think that could be a positive message. You obviously don't have to wait until you're in your 30s like I did, but you shouldn't feel pressure as a young person.”

Wilson added that she often avoided conversations on the subject because she didn't feel comfortable telling people the age at which she lost her virginity.

She said: “There was a vague period, I think I said to my best friend, 'Oh, yeah, I just did it to get it over with when I was 23,' just to really avoid questions.

“Normally, I would leave the room when the conversation took place.

“And then people were like, 'oh, at 24, it's so late,' and then I'm sitting here thinking, 'Oh my God, my number is 35. What's going on? I I'm going to look like the biggest loser.'

Rebel Wilson lost her virginity in her 30s.

Don Arnold/WireImage

And in a chapter called “Late Bloomer” in The rise of the rebels, Wilson revealed that actor and comedian Mickey Gooch Jr., 38, was his very first sexual partner.

She wrote that she was “almost at my highest weight” at the time, adding that Gooch didn't know it was her first time.

“And, Micks, I know this might be news to you if you're reading this, but yes, I lost my virginity thanks to you,” Wilson wrote.

After a month of dating, Wilson felt she was ready to lose her virginity.

The actor said she “congratulated herself” after committing the act, adding: “Life IS short. I didn't want to live my life without experiencing sex. The experience of love. I exposed to the universe that I finally was. ready. I was going to feel the fear and do it.

Additionally, Wilson admitted that she had watched adult films the night before “in preparation.”

The rise of the rebels is available for pre-order now via Amazon.

Topics: Celebrity, Rebel Wilson, Sex and Relationships, Books, US News




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