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SHINee's Minho and Key Renew Contract with SM Entertainment, Say: We Promise to Always Show You Our Best

SHINee's Minho and Key Renew Contract with SM Entertainment, Say: We Promise to Always Show You Our Best


SHINee members Key and Minho have renewed their contract with their existing agency, SM Entertainment. As reported SoompiOn Tuesday, SM announced that the duo made the decision based on their “foundation of trust in the agency.” (Also read | Stray Kids, SHINee's Taemin and TXT to Kick Off 1st Asia Star Entertainer Awards)

Minho and Key are members of SHINee.
Minho and Key are members of SHINee.

What Key and Minho said about their contract renewal

Key and Minho said: SM and SHINee have spent every moment together since our debut until now. I think we are what we are today because of the agency staff we have worked with for a long time. We hope to continue creating good synergy with SM and establish new and diverse beginnings as artists. We sincerely thank our fans who always believe in us and support us, and we promise to always show you the best of ourselves.

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SM issues statement

SM added: “We are happy to continue our valuable relationship with Key and Minho. With the strong foundation of trust that led to this renewal, we will provide our full support in various ways for Key and Minho to shine not only as SHINee members but also as solo artists.

This comes just a week after the SHINee member Taemin left SM Entertainment after 16 years. On April 1, Big Planet Made Entertainment announced that Taemin had signed a contract with them for solo activities. This means that Taemin will continue to do group activities with SM Entertainment.

About SHINee

SHINee is a South Korean boy band formed by SM Entertainment in 2008. The group initially consisted of five members: Jonghyun, Onew, Key, Minho and Taemin. Jonghyun died in 2017.

Shinee debuted in May 2008 with their first EP, Replay, on SBS's Inkigayo with their single Replay. In August 2008, they released their first Korean studio album, The Shinee World. Their next singles, Ring Ding Dong and Lucifer, were huge hits.

In 2012, the group released Sherlock. The group's sixth studio album, The Story of Light (2018), was their last album to feature Jonghyun posthumously. Their seventh album was Don't Call Me in 2021. They returned as a full four-member band with their eighth studio album, Hard, released in 2023.

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