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Investigation into death of Yellowstone spinoff actor Cole Brings Plenty indicates no foul play after 27-year-old actor's body found in wooded area in Kansas

Investigation into death of Yellowstone spinoff actor Cole Brings Plenty indicates no foul play after 27-year-old actor's body found in wooded area in Kansas


An investigation into the death of actor Cole Brings Plenty has found no indication that foul play was involved.

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office released an update Wednesday after the actor was found dead Friday at the age of 27 in a wooded area of ​​Kansas.

The Lakota actor is the nephew of Yellowstone star Mo Brings Plenty, 54, and appeared in the 1923 prequel.

“Detectives, crime scene investigators and the medical examiner’s office worked diligently with the Lawrence Police Department and the Brings Plenty family. “There is no indication of foul play in the death of Cole Brings Plenty,” said a statement released by Sheriff Calvin Hayden.

The cause of the actor's death is not known.

Cole Brings Plenty, the nephew of Yellowstone star Mo Brings Plenty and actor who also appeared in the prequel 1923, was found dead Friday at the age of 27;  photographed in November

Cole Brings Plenty, the nephew of Yellowstone star Mo Brings Plenty and actor who also appeared in the prequel 1923, was found dead Friday at the age of 27; photographed in November

Mo had shared a missing persons poster of his nephew on Instagram on Tuesday (April 2), announcing that Cole had last been seen the previous Sunday, “Easter night.”

Kansas police had released an affidavit Sunday for Cole's arrest in connection with a domestic violence incident.

Fans were quick to offer their condolences on X, formerly Twitter, as one wrote: “Rest in Piece [sic] to the missing Aboriginal man – Cole brings a lot.'

Another shared: “The passing of Cole Brings Plenty is so heartbreaking. I feel for his family who remained hopeful and did everything they could to find him. I hope a thorough investigation is conducted and the family gets the answers they deserve.

The Lawrence, Kansas, Police Department said Tuesday afternoon, April 2, that officers submitted an affidavit to the Douglas County Prosecutor for Cole's arrest.

Cole Brings Plenty starred in two episodes of the Yellowstone 1923 spin-off as Pete Plenty Clouds

Cole Brings Plenty starred in two episodes of the Yellowstone 1923 spin-off as Pete Plenty Clouds

Officers received reports of a “woman screaming for help” Sunday morning at an apartment in Lawrence, according to 12News.

It was alleged that Cole had “walked away from the scene and was heading south on Highway 59,” the site claimed.

He was last known to be driving a white 2005 Ford Explorer with a Kansas license plate.

The missing persons poster on Mo's Instagram reported that Cole had missed a scheduled meeting with his agent for a TV show, behavior described as “unusual.”

The poster also pointed out that his cell phone was turned off.

Cole, known for his role as shepherd Pete Plenty Clouds in 1923, was last seen leaving Lawrence, Kansas, in his car Sunday evening, the poster states.

Mo's Yellowstone co-star Cole Hauser, who plays Rip Wheeler on the series, also shared the poster on his Instagram, urging his followers to come forward with any information if they have seen Cole since Easter Eve in Kansas City.

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office in Kansas announced that Cole's body was discovered Friday morning in a wooded area, according to KCTV5.

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office in Kansas announced that Cole's body was discovered Friday morning in a wooded area, according to KCTV5.

The cause of death is not known and the case remains under investigation.

The cause of death is not known and the case remains under investigation.

Fans were quick to offer their condolences on X, formerly Twitter, as one wrote:

Fans were quick to offer their condolences on X, formerly Twitter, as one wrote: “Rest in Piece [sic] to the missing Aboriginal man – Cole brings a lot.'

Cole's uncle, Yellowstone star Mo Brings Plenty, 54, shared a missing persons poster of his nephew on Instagram on Tuesday, announcing that Cole was last seen on Sunday.  Seen in January 2023

Cole's uncle, Yellowstone star Mo Brings Plenty, 54, shared a missing persons poster of his nephew on Instagram on Tuesday, announcing that Cole was last seen on Sunday. Seen in January 2023

Mo's Yellowstone co-star Cole Hauser, who plays Rip Wheeler on the series, also shared the poster on his Instagram, urging his followers to come forward with information if they have seen Cole since Easter Eve in Kansas City.

Mo's Yellowstone co-star Cole Hauser, who plays Rip Wheeler on the series, also shared the poster on his Instagram, urging his followers to come forward with information if they have seen Cole since Easter Eve in Kansas City.

Yellowstone co-stars Michelle Randolph and Kelsey Asbille also made similar calls on social media, urging their fans to join the search for Cole.

Cole's father, Joseph Brings Plenty Sr., also posted a plea for help on Facebook.

“If anyone knows where my son Cole Brings Plenty is please tell them to call me,” Joseph wrote in his post. “His family is very worried about him.”

Cole's sister Belle also posted her missing poster on Instagram. The poster described Cole as 5' 10″ with long black hair and brown eyes.

Shortly after the Yellowstone stars shared the missing person poster, Lawrence police released a statement on Facebook, identifying Cole as a suspect in an incident involving allegations of domestic violence.

According to the release, authorities responded to reports of a woman screaming for help in an apartment Sunday morning.

Following an investigation that identified Plenty as a suspect, traffic cameras showed him leaving town immediately after the incident.

Additionally, police said they had probable cause for his arrest and alerted local agencies.

Cole is seen here on the far right in his latest Instagram post from November 2023;  seen with his siblings Seth, Brett and Belle

Cole is seen here on the far right in his latest Instagram post from November 2023; seen with his siblings Seth, Brett and Belle

Cole (middle) wrote on Instagram in November 2023:

Cole (middle) wrote on Instagram in November 2023: “Red Nation Film Festival, met the incredible cast of Bones of Crows.”

Cole captioned this photo on Instagram in April 2023: “Aho!  #1923 #1883 #yellowstone'

Cole captioned this photo on Instagram in April 2023: “Aho! #1923 #1883 #Yellowstone'

Mo Brings Plenty, far left, as Rainwater's driver, Gil Birmingham as Chief Thomas Rainwater, Hauser as Rip Wheeler, Kevin Costner as John Dutton on Yellowstone

Mo Brings Plenty, far left, as Rainwater's driver, Gil Birmingham as Chief Thomas Rainwater, Hauser as Rip Wheeler, Kevin Costner as John Dutton on Yellowstone

However, due to the sensitivity of the allegations, authorities have refrained from disclosing further details about the incident.

The press release stated that no additional information would be provided.

Additionally, police mentioned that Cole's family had been in contact with authorities, expressing concern and reporting him as a missing person.

Besides 1923, Brings Plenty appeared in two INSP channel series: Into the Wild Frontier and The Tall Tales of Jim Bridger.




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