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Academy Museum Will Spotlight Hollywood's Jewish History After All

Academy Museum Will Spotlight Hollywood's Jewish History After All


After initially being criticized for failing to recognize the formative role that Jewish immigrants like Samuel Goldwyn and Louis B. Mayer played in the creation of Hollywood and the film industry, the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures announced Thursday the details of a new permanent exhibition which will highlight their contributions.

The exhibit, titled Hollywoodland, is scheduled to open May 19, the museum said in its press release, and will highlight the impact of predominantly Jewish filmmakers whose creation of the American movie studio system transformed Los Angeles into a global epicenter of cinema.

When the museum opened in 2021, it made a point of highlighting the contributions of women, artists of color and people of other backgrounds, but there was barely any mention of the Jewish immigrants who played a pivotal role in the founding of titans of the Hollywood studio system like Harry and Jack Warner, Adolph Zukor, Goldwyn and Mayer.

The omission, coming at a time of growing concerns about anti-Semitism, sparked complaints from Jewish leaders and concerns from the museum's supporters, many of whom saw it as an example of Hollywood's strained relationship with its Jewish history. Seeking assimilation, Hollywood's founders feared being identified as Jewish.

Various publications have denounced this affront, such as The attacker, which published an article entitled The Jews Built Hollywood. So why is their history erased from the new Academy museum?

The museum said at the time that it had always intended to open a temporary exhibition devoted to this subject, but in response to negative reactions it decided to create a permanent gallery and consulted with rabbis and Jewish scholars on what should be included.

We learned about it, Bill Kramer, executive director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences who was the museum's director at the time, said in an interview. We took a lot of the information from the conversations we had and grew from there.

The exhibition will be organized into three distinct parts: Studio Origins, which explores the founding of the eight major Hollywood film studios and their leaders; Los Angeles: From Film Frontier to Industry Town, 1902-1929, which traces the city's evolution alongside the film industry; and From the Shtetl to the Studio: The Jewish Story of Hollywood, a short documentary narrated by TCM host and author Ben Mankiewicz, which looks at Jewish immigrants and first-generation Jewish Americans who built the Hollywood studio system .

The exhibition was organized by Dara Jaffe, associate curator, with assistance from Gary Dauphin, former associate curator of digital presentations, and Josue L. Lopez, research assistant. Neal Gabler, the author and film critic who wrote An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood, served as an advisor.

They were the ones who established this system, Jaffe said of the pioneering Jewish filmmakers. They were drawn to this industry because they were limited compared to so many others.




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