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Bollywood tadka missing in UP during LS poll campaign this time

Bollywood tadka missing in UP during LS poll campaign this time


Politics and the world of glamor have coexisted for a long time and are considered two sides of the same coin.

The trick of rallying crowds during elections with the help of film personalities is also old and time-tested, but this time Bollywood's efforts are not visible in the UP elections, so far visible in the first phase of the elections.

Political parties have given more importance to figures with political influence than to movie faces.

According to poll experts, the elections attracted huge crowds due to campaigning by superstars and television stars popular in the past among the youth.

Many candidates only achieve victory thanks to the presence of Bollywood stars.

But this time, if we look at the list of star activists of the major parties for the first phase of the electoral campaign, only the names of Hema Malini and Jaya Bachchan, linked to the world of cinema, will be visible.

Both also became star activists not because of their glamor but because of their political activism. It has been more than 25 years since Hema Malini and Jaya Bachchan entered politics.

While Hema Malini is contesting from Mathura seat on the BJP ticket, which will be voted on in the second phase, Jaya Bachchan is a member of the SP Rajya Sabha.

The BJP did not resort to the help of Bhojpuri stars like Manoj Tiwari, Dinesh Yadav Nirahua and Ravi Kishan to woo voters in the first phase of elections. The BJP has given tickets to actress Kangana Ranaut and Bollywood's 'Ram' Arun Govil, they have also been excluded from the list of star campaigners at present.

Although Hema Malini was named in the list of star campaigners of the BJP, her focus was only in her constituency of Mathura. Similarly, Jaya Bachchan is fielded in Mainpuri seat, where Dimple Yadav is the SP candidate.

Politics has an ancient link with the world of cinema. Late SP leader Amar Singh, who was national general secretary of the SP, had considerable influence in the corridors of Bollywood. He nominated Jaya Prada as MP from UP. Then he asked Amitabh Bachchan and Sanjay Dutt to campaign for the SP.

Amitabh Bachchan also won elections to the Allahabad seat in the 1980s, while Raj Babbar won the Firozabad seat.

Bhojpuri cinema star Ravi Kishan is also a BJP MP from Gorakhpur. Jayaprada, who contested elections from Rampur several times, is absent from the electoral scene this time.

In the last elections, many stars like film actress Nagma, Chunky Pandey, Govinda, Ameesha Patel, Shamita Shetty, Vivek Oberoi, Shilpa Shetty and Sonakshi Sinha shone in the election atmosphere of UP for a long time, but this sometimes they are absent. the image.
Several Bollywood stars have tried their luck in UP and particularly in Lucknow.

Nafisa Ali, Poonam Sinha, Raj Babbar and Javed Jaffri were among the candidates from Uttar Pradesh.




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