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Fahadh Faasil: I am a better producer than actor

Fahadh Faasil: I am a better producer than actor


Fahadh Faasil is a force to be reckoned with. The actor-producer is often considered one of the finest artists in Malayalam cinema today. But the actor, who has appeared in over 100 films, including Tamil and Telugu, disagrees. I have a lot of limitations as an actor. I believe I am a better producer than an actor, Fahadh said in an exclusive interview with Onmanorama.
Also Read: 'Aavesham': Fahadh Faasil reigns supreme as 'Ranga' in Jithu Madhavan's entertainer | Film critic

The actor, who plays Ranga in his latest film 'Aavesham', said it was the vibe of the film that attracted him towards the project. It was a completely different experience. I have never played a character like this before. My characters have always been subtle. So playing this loud character was a new experience for me, Fahadh said.

Transform into Ranga…
Ranga is an extremely active character who moves around a lot. Some scenes, notably the fight scenes, were filmed in a single take. It takes a lot of effort to capture all that energy on screen.

“Aavesham” and memories of university life…
I applied for a scholarship in the USA, immediately after completing my Class XII. However, this was delayed due to the September 11 terrorist attacks. My mother was worried as I didn't do much for the next four to five months and enrolled in SD College, Alappuzha. I spent a year there. I was sent to a boarding school when I was in class IV, but I had to study under my parents when I turned 18! (laughs) But the experience was fun nonetheless.

I then moved to the United States after a year. I always compartmentalize my life before and after my stay in the United States. My life there changed me, even though I had to abandon my engineering studies after two years because I realized it wasn't my cup of tea. I continued to study philosophy after informing my parents.

Ranga is an extremely active character who moves around a lot. Picture | Still from the movie

Fahadh the producer versus the actor…
I believe a good producer has an eye for good stories. They are the ones who make sure good stories are told and I can do that as a producer. As an actor, I have limits. I love doing comedy, but I know I have to try harder for the kind of comedy I do. Sometimes I get grumpy on the sets and throw tantrums as an actor. I also insist on reshoots of certain scenes that we shot probably a week ago. It's part of my process as an actor. I am better able to process a scene after an interval of 10 days. The changes may be subtle, but it's important to me.

Bhavana Studios…
Dileesh Pothen and Unni Maya manage operations at Bhavana Studios, while Shyam Pushkaran and I contribute to creative discussions. We want to be self-reliant with the type of films we make and make films within the framework of our belief system. Our intention is not to change the world.

'Aadujeevitham' and you…
I'm not someone who could invest that many years into my character. I believe a story only has a lifespan of six to eight months. Moreover, the central character of 'Aadujeevitham' had to undergo many physical transformations. I don't think I could do that convincingly on screen. I have already said that Prithviraj is the only actor in India who could bring Najeeb to life.

Promote films produced by you…
Why should I care about the opinions of those who write about me sitting in the comfort of their desk? These are stupid comments. Opinions only matter when people can say them directly to your face. No one keeps eye contact these days.

I'm not a fan of the fan following
I do not believe it. People should just come to the cinema, watch the film and leave. I have no interaction with my fans. Don't take me home. You needed these interactions 20 years ago. The times have changed. We live in 2024.

Other projects to come…
I wanted to do a comedy film in Telugu before leaving Hyderabad after the shooting of 'Pushpa 2'. I had talked about it during my meetings and discussions. SS Rajamouli's son, SS Karthikeya, approached me a year later. I am now part of two comedy films. I am looking forward to my character in 'Pushpa 2'.

Malayalis as villains or supporting roles in other language films…
I don't see it that way. I only see it as a crossover of talents. I got the opportunity to be a part of films of superstars like Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth.




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