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Jinx voice actor drops tragic hints in Arcane season 2

Jinx voice actor drops tragic hints in Arcane season 2


Season 1 of Arcane delivered a rollercoaster of emotions for viewers, evoking happiness, anger, shock, and even a sense of depression throughout its nine episodes.

The series has received critical acclaim for its gripping storytelling and complex characters, earning the admiration of many League of Legends fans and the general public.

Arcane key visual showing the full roster of League of Legends champions in Arcane and the episode they appear in
Credit: Riot Games, Fortiche

With anticipation growing for Arcane Season 2, which is expected to debut later in 2024, expectations are high among fans.

Although the official trailer for the upcoming season has yet to be released, members of the cast and crew have been dropping hints about what viewers can expect.

The Arcane writer confirmed the introduction of three new characters, while Silco voice actor Jason Spisak revealed that the beloved character will be making a return in season 2.

Fallout show cast list: Who's who in the post-apocalyptic ONE Esports article link, with a background image featuring actor Dave Register as Chet
Credit: Amazon, ONE Esports

Jinx voice actor Ella Purnell is now giving fans a glimpse of what to expect. Arcana season 2the hit animated series based on League of Legends from Riot Games.

The English actress shared her emotional journey while recording lines for the upcoming season.

Ella recently returned to the studio for some ADR (automated dialogue replacement) work on the Season 2 finale, where she found herself moved to tears, a statement revealed. interview with online publication TechRadar.

Jinx voice actor Ella Purnell cried during the recording of Arcane season 2.

The Jinx voice actor believes viewers will also cry while watching the second season.

“It’s devastating, and no one will feel good after seeing it,” she said.

Ella plays Jinx in the series, the younger sister of Vi (Hailee Steinfeld), a talented inventor and sniper, known for her chaotic and unpredictable nature.

Jinx voice actor Ella Purnell in Arcane key visual
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games, Ella Purnell

Besides Jinx, Ella Purnell is known for her other film and television roles, including Emma Bloom in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, a young Maleficent in Maleficent, and Lucy MacLean in the live-action adaptation of the Fallout video game series .

Warning: major spoilers if you haven't watched season 1 of Arcane.

While Ella has given some hints about what fans can expect, Riot Games has kept the plot of the second season under wraps.

The end of season 1 made everyone curious about the fate of Mel Medarda (Toks Olagundoye) when Jinx launched a Hextech-powered rocket towards Piltover Tower where the council was meeting.

Season 2 of Arcane is the continuation of the animated series from Riot Games and Fortiche Production. The first season featured League of Legends champions Jinx and Vi and told the story of how these two siblings grew up together in Zaun and how they gained their powers.

Season 2 of Arcane is released in November 2024.

League of Legends viewers and fans will be able to watch Season 1 of Arcane and, soon, Season 2 on Netflix streaming platform.

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READ MORE: Arcane Was Inspired By These Animated Series Only '90s Kids Will Know About




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