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Gambit actor reacts to episode 5

Gambit actor reacts to episode 5


AJ LoCascio reacts to SPOILER's death.

X-Men '97 was a huge success with critics and audiences alike, earning a 98% critic score and 93% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. The fifth episode of the series, “Remember It,” was released this week and featured some big shockers. Warning: spoilers ahead! The show really heated up when a gala on Genosha was attacked by a giant Sentinel, killing many mutants. One of the characters who met a tragic end was longtime fan favorite Gambit/Remy LeBeau, voiced by AJ LoCascio. During a recent interview with CinemaBlendLoCascio spoke about Gambit's shocking death.

“I was sad, I was pretty devastated, especially since it's a character that I've loved for so long, and then to be able to play the character and find out that he's dying in the middle of the season. I was devastated,” LoCascio shared. “Yes, I had to go through my own grieving process the same way one would with a friend or loved one, in a strange way.”

“I mean, obviously not to the same degree, but there was this feeling of 'Welcome to the world of the X-Men!' And then it's like, “And then you die!” And I'm like, “You couldn't even wait a few more episodes.” It's very strange and bittersweet! in any capacity, so to do it in these pivotal moments was an honor But yes, I was definitely heartbroken and sad. [Castorena] and beautiful [DeMayo] I had to call myself and calm down and say, “It’s okay, it’s a good story.” I was like, 'Okay…' So I felt really sad.”

Which voice actors are returning X-Men '97?

Original X-Men: The Animated Series actors Cal Dodd (Wolverine), Lenore Zann (Rogue), George Buza (Beast), Alison Sealy-Smith (Storm), Adrian Hough (Nightcrawler) and Christopher Britton (Mister Sinister) reprise their roles from the 90s series while Returning cast members Catherine Disher (original Jean Grey), Chris Potter (original Gambit) and Alyson Court (original Jubilee) play new characters. The cast also includes Ray Chase (Cyclops), Jennifer Hale (Jean Grey), JP Karliak (Morph), AJ LoCascio (Gambit), Holly Chou (Jubilee), Isaac Robinson-Smith (Bishop) and Matthew Waterson (Magneto).

As fans prepared for the release of X-Men '97, the surprising news broke that showrunner Beau DeMayo had been fired from the series. The details of his firing have been kept under wraps, but Brad Winderbaum recently addressed the news in an interview with Weekly Entertainment.

“I can’t talk about the details,” Winderbaum said. “But I can say that Beau had a real respect and passion for these characters and wrote what I consider to be excellent scripts that the rest of the team could really draw inspiration from. [to] building this incredible show that's on screen.” When asked if he would consider what happened with DeMayo a “firing,” as it was in the press, Winderbaum added: “I do not do it. 'We broke up' is the best way I can put it.”

X-Men '97 releases new episodes on Wednesdays.




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