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Kim Soo Hyun's Father Got Married, Sparking Mixed Reactions Among Actors' Fans

Kim Soo Hyun's Father Got Married, Sparking Mixed Reactions Among Actors' Fans


Kim Soo Hyunthe father of, Kim Choong Hoon, singer of the famous rock group of the 1980s Seven dolphinsrecently exchanged vows with her longtime partner, An, in a private chat marriage ceremony on April 13, 2024. The couple had been quietly married for some time but had never officially celebrated their union.
The news of the marriage was first reported by Korean media outlet THE FACT in an exclusive scoop, shedding light on the intimate affair. During the wedding ceremony, Kim Choong Hoon expressed his gratitude to An, saying, “I am grateful to An who stayed by my side even when I was a nobody,” and added, “I always wanted to put a wedding veil on An, even if it was late,” as quoted by Koreaboo.
In an effort to maintain privacy and avoid unnecessary attention, Kim Choong Hoon opted for a small-scale event, consciously avoiding any potential disruption to his son, actor Kim Soo Hyun. Interestingly, reports indicate that Kim Soo Hyun chose not to attend the wedding, perhaps to distance herself from the spotlight surrounding her wedding. family business.
However, the joyous occasion took a turn when news of the wedding spread, sparking a wave of discontent from Kim Soo Hyun's fans. Fans expressed their frustration and disappointment with Kim Choong Hoon, once again accusing him of exploiting his son's fame for personal gain. Criticism mounted as supporters sympathized with the actor, lamenting his unwitting involvement in family matters that often attracted unwarranted attention.
This is not the first time that Kim Soo Hyun's family has been involved in controversy related to the actor's fame. Previously the daughter of Kim Choong Hoon and half-sister of Kim Soo Hyun, singer Yuna Kim, found herself under surveillance for her connection with the actor. In 2015, Juna Kim, who rose to fame on PRODUCE 101, publicly revealed her family ties to Kim Soo Hyun while promoting her soundtrack album for K-Drama High Society. The revelation, coupled with the inclusion of “Kim Soo Hyun” under “Family” in his public profile, sparked speculation and debate among fans.
Despite Juna Kim's claims that she had no intention of capitalizing on her half-brother's fame, backlash followed. And Kim Soo Hyun's agency at the time, KEYEAST, released a statement confirming the family connection between the two celebrities while noting their separate upbringings and limited interactions.

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