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Gold Coasts Hollywood house for sale with a new marketing push

Gold Coasts Hollywood house for sale with a new marketing push


3 Kootingal Street, Ashmore is for sale via Coastal.

It's the Gold Coast home that has hosted Hollywood royalty, but this riverside estate offers much more than top-notch credentials.

Situated on 5,625 m² of rolling lawns beside the Nerang River, 3 Kootingal St comprises a two-storey, five-bedroom main residence with pool house and L-shaped resort-style swimming pool, as well as a two-storey guest house bedrooms, seven drive-up accommodations, boat ramp and private pier.

Inside Ashmore's lavish digs.

Jason Momoa and Amber Heard in a scene from the film Aquaman. Provided by Warner Bros.

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Over the years, the residence has hosted a list of A-list guests, including Elon Musk, Amber Heard, Baz Luhrmann and Jude Law.

But, according to owner Paul Lathouras, it's not the glitz and glamor, but the quiet country charm that makes it so appealing as both a family home and a celebrity getaway.

Mr Lathouras originally purchased the property in 2006 after being attracted to its location and potential.

“We had a young family at the time and I loved the open space where you could raise the kids in a country, urban feel,” he said.

There was an older house there, but we bought it for the land with the idea of ​​building a dream house on a budget.

No expense was spared in the design and construction.

red Mill

Opening night of Moulin Rouge the Musical at QPAC in Brisbane in 2023 with Baz Luhrmann walking the red carpet. Photo: David Clark

Designed by architect Ewald de Weerd, this dream home draws inspiration from a combination of influences including post-war Australia, Cape Cod in the United States and Arrowtown in New Zealand.

It was designed to look like an old house and has that authenticity that everyone falls in love with, Lathouras said.

Construction took two and a half years and was built by craftsmen.

Part of the property's authentic feel comes from the materials used, including floors and exposed beams made from 180-year-old reclaimed wood.

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Jude Law speaks onstage at the 2024 Film Independent Spirit Awards on February 25, 2024 in Santa Monica, California. (Getty Images via AFP)

Or enjoy a fireplace all winter long.

The pool house is another great place to entertain and relax.

Meanwhile, the house is discreetly set down a winding driveway and offers complete privacy.

As soon as you pull into the driveway, you can feel de-stressed, Mr. Lathouras said.

This is a property with wide open spaces and mature trees that offers a true getaway in the middle of Ashmore.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is pictured during a visit to the company's electric car factory in Gruenheide, near Berlin, eastern Germany, March 13, 2024. (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP)

The house is ideal for entertaining.

The size, scale and interconnected indoor and outdoor spaces of the house make it ideal for entertaining, and Mr Lathouras said it has hosted countless events over its years.

It has fantastic features.

The whole house opens up like a great artist and there are many different spaces.

We've had everything from family reunions to 21sts, and it's been requested for weddings as well.

River property.

Another space to welcome guests.

As for how the property ended up being favored by celebrities, Mr. Lathouras said he had moved into his beach house and was looking to rent the property when he was approached.

I think there's this warmth that people, including celebrities, enjoy because they can work on the Gold Coast and still enjoy a quiet, fairly low-key family home, he said.

It's very close to everything, but it's isolated and people fall in love with it.

After owning a riverside estate for almost 20 years, Mr Lathouras said the time was right to sell.

“When you build something like this, you get very attached to it, and our whole family feels the same way,” he said.

But we're retiring and the kids have grown up with their own place, so we're in a place where we feel ready to let go.

The property is on the market through Katrina Walsh and Guy Powell of Coastal.

-Cassandra Charlesworth




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