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'Friends' Guest Star Recalls 'Alarming' and 'Heartbreaking' Filming Experience

'Friends' Guest Star Recalls 'Alarming' and 'Heartbreaking' Filming Experience


Olivia Williams gave acclaimed performances in “Rushmore,” “The Sixth Sense,” and “An Education.” She recently appeared as Camilla Parker Bowles in the final two seasons of Netflix's popular drama series “The Crown.” But for many people, the British actor will always be Felicity from the Season 4 finale of “Friends.” Williams once called guest starring on the NBC sitcom “heartbreaking,” and she recently open to The Independent about why it wasn't the best experience in a recent interview.

” My God. Well, as an example, I was taken to the studio in a shared car with a wonderful actress whose character, I think, was called 'Old Woman,'” Williams said, noting that this actor was ” distinguished” and “very good”. but “at one point, a producer – who will remain anonymous – just shouted at him: 'You're not funny!' And she didn't come back the next day, so that was alarming.

“Oh, and 'Friends' was a brand, and you had to fit the brand,” Williams added. “You go into hair and makeup and they say, 'There's a look here, this is what we do.' “And that basically involved plucking all of your eyebrows. Literally [I was begging], “Please don’t remove my eyebrows, I might need them in another job!” But yes, it was in that sense that it was heartbreaking.

Variety contacted Warner Bros. Discovery for comments.

Williams appeared as Felicity in “The One with Ross's Wedding,” the two-part Season 4 finale of “Friends.” The episode centers around the main characters traveling to London for Ross's wedding to Emily. The event ends sadly when Ross accidentally says Rachel's name during his vows. Williams' Felicity is one of Emily's bridesmaids and she catches Joey's eye.

“Maybe I’d get a lot more work if I kept quieter,” Williams joked. The Independent. “Maybe I'm on a blacklist of socialist actors, I don't know…”

As The independent said: “Looking after mom has never been his strong point. This is an actor who once called the American television industry a “piranha pit and cesspool.” Who once used “cucumber in the ass” as an adjective to describe one of his characters. Who once said she got along famously with Arnold Schwarzenegger – her co-star in a serial killer thriller called “Sabotage” – because of his “advantage, or disadvantage, of not having big breasts “. She then begged an interviewer not to look at it.

Williams recently appeared on the big screen in “Another End,” which had its world premiere at the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year. She's also attached to star in “Dune: The Sisterhood,” a TV expansion of Denis Villeneuve's “Dune” franchise that's set to air on Max. Williams will play Tula Harkonnen.

Set in the world of “Dune” 10,000 years before the ascension of Paul Atreides, the series follows the Harkonnen sisters as they battle the forces that threaten the future of humanity and found the legendary sect known as the name of Bene Gesserit. The prequel is based on the novel “Sisterhood of Dune” by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.




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