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Kristi Noem had a shot at Trump's VP job before bragging about dog killing, sources say | US elections 2024

Kristi Noem had a shot at Trump's VP job before bragging about dog killing, sources say |  US elections 2024


Kristi Noem, the Republican governor of South Dakota, had tried to be named Donald Trump's running mate in the presidential election, but she failed by bragging about having shot and killed her dog, a person close to Trump reportedly said.

She was already unlikely to be chosen as vice president, but she had a chance, the New York Post cited an unnamed Trump ally as saying.

After that, it's simply impossible.

Noem's story about her decision to kill Cricket, a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer who she deemed useless for hunting and dangerous for chickens, is contained in her upcoming book.

No Going Back: The Truth on Whats Wrong With Politics and How We Move America Forward, will be published next month. Last week, the Guardian obtained a copy and reported the surprising story of Noem and the dog Cricket, whom Noem says she hates.

Even more surprising, Noem also describes killing an unnamed, uncastrated goat with two shotgun blasts, which she considered too stinky and unruly.

On the page, Noem defends her actions as indicative of the kinds of nasty things people have to do on farms and in politics as well. Since the story became public, she has doubled down, saying her family recently shot three horses and claiming she was legally obligated to kill Cricket because she killed a neighbor's chickens.

South Dakota law suggests Noem committed a class 2 misdemeanor by allowing Cricket to kill the chickens and also broke the law by killing the dog on her own property, after the attack, according to a Guardian report. chickens.

A spokesperson for Noem had no comment on the claim.

After entering Congress during the far-right Tea Party wave in 2010 and becoming governor of South Dakota in 2019, Noem was widely considered a possible vice presidential pick for Trump.

Following revelations about how she killed Cricket and the unnamed goat, the latter animal with two shots separated by a return to Noem's truck for more shells, most experts declared those hopes dead.

The Trump ally who spoke to the New York Post while the former president was on trial in the city in his hush money case involving payments to an adult film star said: Trump is not necessarily a dog man, but I think he understands that you can't. choose puppy killer as your choice, for blatantly obvious reasons.

The Post said another source within the former presidents' camp said that although Trump really likes Kristi, he was disappointed when he heard the dog's story.

It certainly didn't improve his chances, but no decisions have been made on any of the vice presidential candidates, the source reportedly said.

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Other media outlets reported similar concern.

The median reaction when we checked Trump's world was WTF, Semafor said, although some noted his chances were already considered slim.

Aside from dog killing, Noem's other potential liabilities include ties to a Texas cosmetic dentist and views on banning abortion opposing exceptions for rape or incest, even to Trump's right .

Governor Noem continues to prove that she is a lightweight, Semafor said, citing a source close to the Trump campaign.

The Hill quoted an anonymous Trump ally as saying that the story of Cricket and the goat ensured that Noem would not be the vice president's choice.

Any time you have to respond to a story more than once, it's not good, the source reportedly said.

Thinking of Cricket and the Anonymous Goat, the same source said that when it came to assessing Noem's chances of getting a spot on Trump's ticket, Shes DOA.




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