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'Shah Rukh Sir Se Milao Yar': 'King of Bollywood' Grants Fan Boy Yashasvi Jaiswal's Wish – WATCH

'Shah Rukh Sir Se Milao Yar': 'King of Bollywood' Grants Fan Boy Yashasvi Jaiswal's Wish – WATCH


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Shah Rukh Khan kisses Yashasvi Jaiswal

Shah Rukh Khan kisses Yashasvi Jaiswal

Yashasvi Jasiwal expressed her desire to meet the king of Bollywood. In response, Shah Rukh Khan fulfilled the youngster's wish.

Rajasthan Royals (RR) batter Yashasvi Jaiswal found himself on the winning side on Tuesday as his team defeated Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) by 2 wickets. The youngster chipped in with a quick-fire 9-ball 19 before Jos Buttler took charge and shot an unbeaten 107 off 60 balls to sail the Royals' ship safely to shore.

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After the conclusion of a high-voltage clash at Eden Gardens, KKR co-owner Shah Rukh Khan took to the field to meet and greet players from both sides. Meanwhile, Jaiswal expressed his desire to meet the king of Bollywood. In response, the veteran actor granted the children's wish.

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In a video shared by the Royals on social media, Shah Rukh could be seen hugging Jaiswal. The franchise described the youngster's fanboy moment, writing: It's just a dream.

It was certainly a dream come true moment for the left-hander after RR pulled off an absolute heist, courtesy of a spectacular century from Jos Buttler.

KKR struck first and put 223 runs on the board, with Sunil Narine hammering the bowlers in all parts of the field to score a memorable century. He played a fine knock of 109 off 56 balls.

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In response, RR did not enjoy the kind of start they would have hoped for, losing two wickets to Yashasvi Jaiswal and skipper Sanju Samson in the powerplay. Jos Buttler stayed strong at the other end and briefly revived the chase in a 50-run counterattack with Riyan Parag for the third wicket.

Struggling with physical problems, he found the ideal comrade in Rovman Powell to take the game deeper, before facing all 18 balls in the final three overs to help RR complete the most successful run chase in the history of the IPL. Buttler deservedly won the Man of the Match award for his unbeaten 107, which was his second hundred in this season's IPL and his seventh overall.

With six wins in seven matches so far, RR have had an impressive start to the ongoing IPL campaign. The Sanju Samson-led team currently claims the top spot in the IPL 2024 points table.




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