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Angus Cloud's Abigail Directors Talk About the Late Actor's Final Performance

Angus Cloud's Abigail Directors Talk About the Late Actor's Final Performance


Filmmakers who worked with the late Angus Cloud share their memories of working with him on one of his final films.

Cloud, an actor best known for the HBO series Euphoriadied at age 25 following an accidental overdose at his family's home in Oakland, California on July 31, 2023. As Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, the directors behind Abigailsaid Variety recently: “It was so obvious how much fun he was having making the new horror adventure that stars Cloud in a supporting role.

I don't think we've ever worked with anyone who required other actors in the scene to pay attention. There's no wrong moment in anything he does,” Gillet said of Cloud's presence on the set of the film. “He kind of gave everyone permission to be a little weird and taking swings that they might not have otherwise done, just because of how natural and charismatic he is in a scene.

Abigail follows a team of criminals played by Melissa Barrera, Cloud, Dan Stevens, Alisha Weir, Kathryn Newton, William Catlett and Kevin Durand who agree to kidnap a rich man's daughter in exchange for a large ransom. The film takes a turn when they are locked in the girl's house with her overnight, and she is revealed to be a monstrous vampire.

Angus Cloud, Kathryn Newton, Alisha Weir, Kevin Durand, Dan Stevens, Melissa Barrera and Will Catlett in Abigail 2024.

Bernard Walsh/Universal Pictures

As Variety noted, Cloud died just weeks after the start of the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike, forcing films like Abigail to stop production. Cloud had already finished filming his role in the movie at that point, and when filming resumed after the fall, everyone involved really wanted to make sure we finished the movie strong and did justice to Angus,” Bettinelli-Olpin told the outlet.

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The filmmaker added that Cloud helped place The Jacka's 2009 song “Glamorous Lifestyle” into the film in an early scene, which made the final cut of the film. To the credit of everyone involved, it was just never a question of cutting it,” he said. “It was like, no, this meant a lot to Angus. Let's make this part of the movie.

Angus Cloud on January 5, 2022.

Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic for HBO

Every thing about Angus is Angus in the film, Bettinelli-Olpin added of Cloud's performance. There's not even an off-camera ADR line that we needed for the story. It's all Angus.

In March, Cloud partner Stevens, 41, said Entertainment tonight that Cloud was “so adorable” while they worked together. “I've never met anyone like him and, you know, he was like all our little brothers on set,” he said at the time. “It was obviously heartbreaking to lose him. I really hope people enjoy his performance.”

Abigail is in theaters April 19.




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