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Outback Steakhouse Celebrates Opening of New Central Location in Entertainment Building

Outback Steakhouse Celebrates Opening of New Central Location in Entertainment Building


April 17, 2024 – (Hong Kong) Outback Steakhouse, the globally recognized Australian themed restaurant chain, announced the opening of its latest outlet in Hong Kong. Located in Central's bustling Entertainment Building, the new establishment began welcoming diners on April 15, marking the city's 19th Outback location.

Spanning 3,800 square feet on the first floor, the restaurant can accommodate more than 110 diners. It features a minimalist design with light wood grains and nature-inspired decor, aiming to create a serene, urban oasis-like atmosphere within the bustling financial district. The space is further enhanced with eco-friendly LED lighting, contributing to a dining environment that is both vibrant and comfortable.

To commemorate the opening, Outback Steakhouse is offering a promotional offer where diners will receive a Bushman Bread coupon for every HK$200 spent in a single transaction. This initiative not only celebrates the new opening but also encourages customers to enjoy their meal with an added bonus.

Outback prides itself on serving a mix of traditional and innovative dishes, with an emphasis on quality ingredients and authentic recipes. The restaurant's chefs are specially trained in the art of cooking steak, ensuring that each dish meets the high standards expected by guests. The menu offers a variety of options including steaks, chicken, ribs, seafood and pastas, all prepared with the bold flavors characteristic of Australian cuisine.

One of the highlights of the new menu is the Black Label Prime Tomahawk Steak. Weighing almost 2 pounds, this USDA Prime cut is seasoned with English sea salt and served sizzling on an iron griddle heated to 250 degrees. This method ensures that the steak is perfectly cooked, tender on the inside and deliciously seared on the outside.

The opening of this establishment marks an important milestone for Outback Steakhouse as it coincides with the brand's 25th anniversary in Hong Kong. The new outlet aims to not only provide high-quality Australian cuisine to the people of Central, but also to offer a dining experience that reflects the laid-back, carefree attitude of the Australian outback.

Previously, the same prime Central location was home to the Aussie Grill by Outback, which opened in 2019. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, it attracted many customers with its unique offerings. However, as the city evolves, Outback Steakhouse takes over, continuing to serve both its loyal and new customers.

The Bloomin'Onion
USDA Prime Ribeye
Grilled lobster tail with seafood penne.




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