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'Star Wars' Actor Warwick Davis Mourns Wife Samantha's Death: 'Her Passing Left a Huge Hole in Our Lives'

'Star Wars' Actor Warwick Davis Mourns Wife Samantha's Death: 'Her Passing Left a Huge Hole in Our Lives'


'Star Wars' Actor Warwick Davis Mourns Wife Samantha's Death: 'Her Passing Left a Huge Hole in Our Lives'

Star Wars Actor Warwick Davis is mourning the death of his wife, Samantha Davis, who died on March 24. She was 57 years old.

“His passing has left a huge void in our family lives. I miss his hugs,” the 54-year-old actor said in a statement shared with theBBC. “She was a unique character, always seeing the sunny side of life, she had a wicked sense of humor and always laughed at my bad jokes.”

He added that Samantha, whom he met on the set of his 1988 fantasy drama,willowwas his “favorite human” who was “passionate about helping people, without judgment.”

Samantha's cause of death has not been revealed.

Warwick, who played Wicket the Ewok in the Star Wars franchise, married Samantha in 1991. They shared two adult children – Annabelle, 27, and Harrison, 21, who, alongside Samantha, were both present at the red carpet events of the actor. Warwick and Samantha also had a son named Lloyd, who tragically died just days after his birth in 1991. Samantha also tragically miscarried a second son, George, in 1993.

Harrison Davis, Warwick Davis, Samantha Davis and Annabelle Davis at the UK screening of Lucasfilm's original series Willow on November 16, 2022 in London, England.


Harrison and Annabelle also shared a statement with the BBC, in which they said “her love and happiness have carried us through our lives.” They added: “Mom is our best friend and we are honored to have received a love like hers.”

Although many fans also know Warwick for his role as Professor Filius Flitwick in Harry Potter franchise, few knew that Samantha also appeared as a goblin in an uncredited role for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 2. She also appeared in the BBC children's series, Through the eyes of the dragon.

Warwick was born with a rare condition of dwarfism which prevented him from growing beyond his height of 3ft 6ins. Samantha was also born with dwarfism. The last years of her life were marked by a number of health problems, including a spinal operation which later led to an infection which required her to undergo emergency surgery. Health issues impacted her mobility and she needed a scooter to get around.

In 2012, Warwick and Samantha founded Little People United Kingdomwhose mission is “to offer friendship and support to people with dwarfism, their families and friends, and to help build a positive future for these people”.

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