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Work begins on new Queen Elizabeth II statue as companies fund artwork. Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council

Work begins on new Queen Elizabeth II statue as companies fund artwork.  Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council


Work to create a statue of Queen Elizabeth II in Newcastle-under-Lyme has begun – on the eve of what would have been her 98th birthday – thanks to two leading companies.

Staffordshire digger manufacturer JCB and social impact developer Capital & Centric are jointly funding the statue commissioned by Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council to mark 850 years of the birthday.

Internationally renowned Staffordshire artist Andy Edwards, whose previous works include the iconic Beatles statue at Pier Head in Liverpool, bases the sculpture on photographs of the late Queen's visit to Newcastle-under-Lyme as part of the 800 years of the birthday celebrations in 1973.

It will include minute details such as the famous Cambridge brooch that the late Queen wore during her visit to the city.

JCB Chairman Anthony Bamford said:

Her Majesty made many visits to Staffordshire during her 70-year reign, each one evoking very special memories for thousands of people.

I am delighted that we can play our part right here in Staffordshire in commemorating his life of service, using the fabulous artistic skills that our county is renowned for.

Capital & Centric is renovating several key sites in Newcastle-under-Lyme city centre, including York Place, Midway car park and Ryecroft.

Joint chief executive John Moffat said:

We are developing plans to revitalize the city center with exciting designs for key sites.

It is a pleasure to be able to support the creation of this new city landmark by a talented local sculptor, who will take pride of place in Queens Gardens. It will be a moving tribute to the Queen – a timely nod to the past as we plan for the future of the city

A spokesperson for the Brampton Museum, which is overseeing the project, said:

We are proud to oversee the construction of what may be one of the first statues of Queen Elizabeth II commissioned since her death.

It is made by a renowned local sculptor and, fittingly, placed in Queens Gardens, opposite the statue of his great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria.

The design is deliberately inspired by what Her Majesty wore during her historic visit to Newcastle-under-Lyme to mark the city's 800th anniversary on May 25, 1973, immortalizing this momentous day.

I would like to thank JCB and Capital & Centric for their donations which have enabled us to move forward with this important heritage project. »

The £85,000 statue, cast in bronze and weighing a tonne, will be an exact replica of how Queen Elizabeth II looked as she walked through the city center, cheered by thousands after giving a speech from the balcony of the old municipal offices. on Merrial Street.

A launch event for the creation of the statue took place at Castle House during the week of what would have been the late Queen's birthday.

There, Andy Edwards worked on refining a terracotta wax model of Queen Elizabeth's head and exhibited some of his other intricate work on the statue so far, including the famous Cambridge brooch of the late queen.

Some of the props used as references for Andy's work were also on display, such as the bouquet of flowers he had made by florist The Topiary Tree in Hanford as a reproduction of the bouquet originally presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 1973. Included in the bouquet are lilies of the valley – the late Queen's favorite flower.

Andy is known internationally for his sculptures including The Beatles in Liverpool, Sir Stanley Matthews in Stoke-on-Trent, Sir Alex Ferguson in Aberdeen and 'All Together Now' – an installation of opposing soldiers shaking hands around a ball football to symbolize one of the most famous events of the First World War.

Andy said:

I am honored and delighted to have received this commission from Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council. It's a huge responsibility, but I appreciate it and take it seriously.

Although the design is informal in its presentation, the work requires exacting standards both in relation to the expected details and as a sensitive portrait of the late Her Majesty. I use time-honored traditional techniques to make an enlargement from a scale model and our local sculpting clay, but also the latest digital technologies in my calculations, my engineering and the authenticity of my archive images and my photographs.

I know many locals recognized themselves in the recently reissued photos from the visit to Newcastle in 1973 on which this statue is to be based. I hope this tribute will bring back happy memories for them.

Queen Elizabeth, of course, has brought happiness and comfort to many people over the years. I hope this tribute will remember and continue that.”




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