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Tracy Byrd to perform at the UP State Fair on August 14 | News, Sports, Jobs

Tracy Byrd to perform at the UP State Fair on August 14 |  News, Sports, Jobs


Country music artist Tracy Byrd

ESCANABA — This summer at the UP State Fair, you can learn the “Watermelon Tour” when country music artist Tracy Byrd takes the Grandstand stage on Wednesday, August 14, along with special guests The Riflemen. Tracy Byrd and The Riflemen are the first performers announced by the UP State Fair in its full lineup of grandstand entertainment, presented by Island Resort and Casino.

Tracy Byrd became a well-known name on the country music scene in 1993 when her third single, titled “Hold Heaven” – taken from his MCA Records, self-titled debut album, number one on the Billboard Country Charts. The album also included the hit remake of Johnny Paycheck's “Someone to give my love to” cementing Byrd as a traditional country troubadour. The debut album was subsequently certified Gold, an award signifying sales of over 500,000 copies.

Byrd's second project, “No Ordinary Man” built on the momentum created by the first album, with the first radio single from it, “Lifestyles of the less rich and less famous” reaching No. 4, followed by another top five, “The first step,” then with the release of the blockbuster hit “Watermelon Tour” the second album crosses the half-million sales mark and is certified Gold.

The release of the fourth and final single from this project propelled Byrd to the top of the Billboard Album and Singles charts. The song was called “The Guardian of the Stars” and it rose to number one on the singles charts and propelled the album to Double Platinum status, which certifies sales of more than two million copies. “The Guardian of the Stars” won the Academy of Country Music “Song of the Year” price in 1995.

Byrd's latest album, “The truth about men” first released the title track – a comedic look at what men are really like; the track was a team effort with Byrd's pals Blake Shelton, Andy Griggs, and Montgomery Gentry's Troy and Eddie lending their talents to the song and video. This album also released top five smashes, “The drinking bone” which became a favorite sing-along song among the public.

In 2001, Byrd released the album “Ten rounds” with the party song of the year, “Ten rounds with José Cuervo” rising to the top of the Billboard charts in 2002 to land Byrd's third No. 1 single. He also reached the top 10 with his flared Spanish guitar “Just let me be in love.” Byrd performed over 4,000 shows in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Australia from 1992 to 2009, and in June 2016 he returned to the studio and released his latest album, “All American Texans” in October 2016. It was well received by critics and fans.

The UP State Fair will also welcome the Riflemen to the Grandstand stage Wednesday evening. The Riflemen pride themselves on being a true blend of Heartland/Southern Rock and Midwest Country/Americana. This four-piece band, playing their own original songs and well-known covers, is led by Grant Reiff on piano/keyboards and lead vocals, Joe Cordell on drums, Mark Vironda on lead/rhythm guitar and Conor Reed on bass and background vocals. Based in southeast Michigan near Ann Arbor, they travel the world performing their brand of Americana music.

With their next album “Rebels and Thieves” Slated for release in mid-2023, The Riflemen is sure to leave crowds with a memorable experience. Some of the band's previous headline performances include: President George W. Bush's inauguration, Carnegie Hall with the New York Pops, The Houston Rodeo, The Crystal Cathedral, St. Andrews-Scotland, and opening for Ted Nugent, Justin Moore, Blues Traveler and countless additional shows across the country and world.

Gold Circle tickets for Tracy Byrd's performance with special guests The Riflemen on Wednesday, August 14 at 8 p.m. (doors open at 7 p.m.) go on sale Monday, April 22 at 10 a.m. and can be purchased from presenting sponsor. , Island Resort and Casino, at General seats for all grandstand events are free with entry to the Fair. To purchase early admission to the UP State Fair, please visit

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